
Valizar's crusade:

Doesn't actually happen
1 (14.3%)
Gets defeated in its first battle
1 (14.3%)
Wins a few and takes control of the southern forest
1 (14.3%)
Succeeds in wiping out opposition in the forest and kills Greenfellow
3 (42.9%)
Destroys the world
1 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 7

Author Topic: Tales of the Heroes  (Read 46438 times)

Offline whitesword

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #255 on: January 27, 2021, 08:14:38 PM »
Kerkly (part 3)

With Kallark transferring his power to Archeron, and Sutyr returning to his realm in Baator, the Guardians feared an alliance between them.  The Guardians obviously had no allies in the lower planes, and the few goodly powers of Mechanus were aloof and disinterested.  However, Arcadia, the plane of Righteousness, was home to Clangeddin, the dwarven power of war, an ancient enemy of Sutyr.  Kerkly, already a legendary hero, was the ideal emissary to press Clangeddin’s servants to oppose Sutyr more actively in the outer planes and prevail upon Kallark (a fellow dwarf) to avoid entanglement with Sutyr.

Kerkly departed Habololy in 803 for a mission to Mount Clangeddin with a contingent of Guardians, including Acyll Edorem, Inari the Diamondsoul and Midan Granitebreaker, the Cerdival of the Council.  Convincing the Lord of Battle to go to war against giants was easy work, but diplomacy (even if it was really veiled threats) held little interest for him or his followers.  On top of that, the idea of an evil, dwarven, power of arcane magic, was almost laughable, and so it took considerable time (in the form of fighting and feasting) to prevail upon Clangeddin to intercede.  Kerkly and Acyll and a rotating group of Guardians spent the next five years battling Sutyr on the outer planes. When it became necessary, they also opposed efforts by Kallark’s faithful to make alliances with other powers.  Their efforts were largely successful, except on Mechanus, where the indifferent powers had no interest in alliances, but no objections to transactions with either the forces or good or evil.   
Thus Kallark, who had no lower planar servants, was able to retain the services of powerful agents to use against his enemies on Habololy.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #256 on: January 27, 2021, 08:15:35 PM »
Asinjin (part 3)

By 803, Iott was again asserting its power around the world and those that had participated in the breaking of the Stones had been declared enemies of the nation. In 804, with Asinjin, Parker, Russel and Luigi all in residence at the College, the leaders of Iott chose to take a chance to capture or kill as many of them as they could.  Knowing that the College was under Allanda’s protection, and that spellcasting on the grounds was restricted to those permitted by the Dean, Kallark’s disciples sent Inevitables in groups of four after each stone breaker and several other prominent members of the faculty. 

The battle, which lasted from dusk to dawn, became known as the Night of Broken Gears.  The battle with the Inevitables wrought terrible damage against the college. Among those killed were Dean Templeson and professors Caron and Mangan and the museum curator Saloren Olastral.  As a result of the attack the High King formally declared war against Iott and banned Kallark’s cult from the Kingdom.  Haskra, the Dean and High Cleric of Allanda’s nascent faith, offered to resign from both positions, but Allanda rejected his request.  The church did close its shrines and withdraw its clerics from Iott.

 The month after the attack it became known that Allanda would grant audiences to faculty on occasion in the Great Hall and the College was not troubled again.  Many of the faculty, and a few prominent students, took a more active role in the battle against Iott in the years following the attack.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #257 on: January 27, 2021, 08:17:01 PM »
Parker (part 3)

Following the Night of Broken Gears, Parker and Robyn, now the parents of 5 (Thera, twins Marina and Gwendolyn, and a second set of twins, Parker and Emelda) were tired of being afraid, and, leaving their children in the care of the College, began to challenge their pursuers.  In 805 they defeated Herron Cross and his cadre of bounty hunters.  In 808, in the wake of the Day of Dust, they risked a journey to the Plateau to learn what they could of the terrible weapon that had decimated the Protectorate and Fort Whiteknight.  While there, they were confronted by the mad Invevitable Inexorious VI.  Inevitables had been hunting the stone breakers since Kallark established his realm on Archeron, and their efforts to capture Parker and Russel had broken the minds of some of them, but this model was clearly after Robyn, not Parker.  Knowing that the Iottans would not be far behind Parker and Robyn again withdrew to the College.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #258 on: January 27, 2021, 08:18:38 PM »
Rubius (part 3)

In 808, as the conflict between Iott and the other nations was at its height, there was tension everywhere.  Neighbors in every community found reason to be suspicious of those with whom they had differences. It was most likely jealousy of the rapid success of Havenhollow that brought the first evangelists.  They came and preached against the cults.  The clerics of Stasis and Arsur’anyodel, in particular her young dwarven high cleric, countered them and made clear their vitriol was not welcome.  Still, they returned, sometimes bringing mobs of people looking for someone to blame for their misfortune.  Rubius spoke in favor of peace and cooperation, but his son had become a follower of Avoreen and those that demanded the expulsion of the cults called Rubius a collaborator and heretic.  Rubius began carrying his bow after these interlopers were expelled.  In Mefeeti 808, during the fall harvest festival, a band of riders entered the town at dusk.  At their head was Marthus Otias, the high inquisitor of Han-Sui.

 Otias was an implacable enemy of the cults; he had been twice expelled from Icefia for attacks on the cult of Hemator and had even taken a group of followers on a doomed expedition to invade the Guardian Vale.  As the townsfolk had done before when these situations arose, they retreated to their shrines.  As Rubius moved to confront Marthus, the fanatics blocked the entrances to the shrines of Celestia, Hemator, Stasis and Arsur’anyodel with magical walls.  While Rubius subdued Marthas, his followers unleashed a barrage of fire spells into the two cult shrines.  To their credit the town rallied to put out the fires but the damage was done.  Dozens were killed, nearly two hundred badly burned and a large swath of the town was damaged.  Rubius’ son survived but spent days in agony as the clerics exhausted their spells.

Marthus and his band were found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment in less than a week.  After the entreaties of the church of Han-Sui were denied, Marthus demanded trial by combat, for which there was no provision in Icefian law, and the High King granted his request.  It is not clear who he expected to face, perhaps a parent of one of the slain, but King Oliver stepped into the circle and swiftly dispatched him.  Not satisfied that the punishment was sufficient, or that it would deter similar attacks, the High King banned all inquisitors, regardless of their faith, from the Kingdom.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #259 on: January 27, 2021, 09:25:10 PM »
Parker and Robyn, now the parents of 5 (Thera, twins Marina and Gwendolyn, and a second set of twins, Parker and Emelda)
Named after Mrs.Humperdink?  If I find out Parker had an affair with Emelda, we're going to have words...

Offline whitesword

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #260 on: January 27, 2021, 09:50:13 PM »
Named after Mrs.Humperdink?  If I find out Parker had an affair with Emelda, we're going to have words...

Out of respect for your lovely wife (and good catch, thought you’d enjoy that)

Offline Malchia

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #261 on: January 27, 2021, 10:12:48 PM »
Rubius spoke in favor of peace and cooperation, but his son had become a follower of Avoreen and those that demanded the expulsion of the cults called Rubius a collaborator and heretic.
Not exactly the future I had in mind for Rubian, but interesting nonetheless.  I'm curious to see what becomes of Ruby.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #262 on: January 27, 2021, 11:03:55 PM »
Out of respect for your lovely wife (and good catch, thought you’d enjoy that)
I’m sad there isn’t an Astrek Berko.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #263 on: January 27, 2021, 11:06:07 PM »
I’m sad there isn’t an Astrek Berko.

They’re on Astrek the 3rd. Beautiful Icefian Malamute.

Offline Valdis

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #264 on: January 27, 2021, 11:09:47 PM »

Following the Night of Broken Gears,

I’m calling dibs now on Knight of Broken Gears

Offline Asinjin

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #265 on: January 27, 2021, 11:20:24 PM »
A round of applause for Whitesword for his writings.  Writing is fun, but it takes time.
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #266 on: January 28, 2021, 12:34:17 AM »
Grant Helodan (Valdis, Tyrogatore)

Before participating in the Day of Broken Magic, Grant was already well known through the Great Forest.  He had become respected by both sides seeking to control the forest, even though he fought for the southern coalition.  He was known to be the greatest Emenotan in the forest, even if it was not true.  As Haas and Valizar moved to other tasks as the war slowed after the treaty, Grant remained.  Viewed as a judge and moderator, he could move anywhere in the forest without issue, would be granted an audience with anyone he deemed necessary.

He spent much of the five years between the treaty and the Day of Broken Magic adjudicating disputes and looking out for the influence of Iott.  The Great Forest did not appear high on their list of targets, but they nonetheless reached out and inquired and slowly made discreet alliances.  Not with all of Scalehome or the Southern Coalition, but a town here, a village there.  Using the tension as a tool, they convinced scattered pockets to back their control.  It was infuriating, as they never presented themselves as a target, so Grant was left to convince rather than combat.  In private, he would curse the wizards and pray for the day when he would be able to smash them.

He was thrilled with the outcome of the battle at the circle.  The less the arcane magic, the better.  Iott retreated from the forest and Grant brought the towns back into the fold.  During the next five years, he helped oversee peace in the forest.  Free of the threat of Iott, both sides came together and worked to build unity.  The orcs left for a crusade and Grant wanted to join them.  But he was now in his late 40s and even though in the shape of a man half his age, he was not a soldier.  He had not yet figured out the best uses for his spells in this new age of magic.  The wugs, without the orcish foil, were told to leave.  After several small battles, which Grant attended, they did leave.

Other problems arose, and Grant seemed to have fewer allies to lean on to solve them.  The gnolls were pressing to war.  They were going to be the second wave of the crusade, but after the failure of the first, they turned back.  The unseelie, who had feared the Iottians more than most, now crept out of their holes and began their pranks.  At least here, the Foot and the remaining heroes of the forest pulled their weight and helped.  Perhaps most concerning in this time was a wizard, unrelated to Iott, that began to weave a web of control.  Grant began to pull on the strings, enlisting sheriffs he knew to help.  Several times, he had almost found the lair of the wizard, only to be tricked.

Kallark transcending followed soon b Sutyr's betrayal soon flipped the forest on its head again.  Scalehome signed a treaty with Iott and the southern coalition did not last long after that.  Grant tried to rally them together, but he could not overcome their differences.  Akar had grown in power and declared he needed no one else.  Balinhost's leader refused to work with the Fire Giants after Sutyr's actions.  The Lizardfolk, having found a ruler, named their nation Valley Sar, a name which made Grant want to smash his face into a tree.  Grant's task became one that involved even more travel.  He would wear out endless sandels over the next five years and fight hundreds of times to convince others of Iott's intentions and the actions they should take.  Tyrogatore's faith did well.

The plagues came next and Grant fearlessly despite being in his mid to late fifties was a paragon of physical fitness and worked through them.  Conflict slowed as most realms of the forest were hesitant to interact.  Only the gnolls did not care, for they alone seemed immune to the effects.  To Grant's dismay, worst among them was Razk.  Having been trained in filth and by a gnoll known as the disease, the plagues offered him a cover he could have only dreamed.  Raiding, spreading fear, and acting every bit the outlaw.  Grant was forced to confront him.

He found Razk in his tent, enjoying his plunder, he called out to the gnoll...
The hand that rolls the Dice rules the world.

Offline Asinjin

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #267 on: January 28, 2021, 12:35:40 AM »
Parker (part 3)

Following the Night of Broken Gears, Parker and Robyn, now the parents of 5 (Thera, twins Marina and Gwendolyn, and a second set of twins, Parker and Emelda)

Asinjin should definitely have been given consideration as a name.
The hand that rolls the Dice rules the world.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #268 on: January 28, 2021, 01:00:56 AM »
Grant part 2

The small gnoll burst from his tent, "You don't own me, you don't control me, I owe you nothing!  Be gone before we make you gone....hehehehehe"  Razk cackled a call and Grant was soon surrounded by a dozen gnolls.  They could not hurt Grant, they were only there to distract.  Fifteen year before, Grant would have had a litany of spell active to help him, and he would not have been an old man.  This would have been easy.

He thought to move at Razk first, but he was not that fast anymore.  He set himself and let the horde come.  Gnolls moved around him.  They did not often attack, and when one did foolishly do so, it got smashed for its stupidity.  But they were not there to hurt Grant.  Razk was now among them, one of the twelve or one of twenty.  He was smaller, he was more agile.  Grant got slashed, the metal claws of Razk hitting and withdrawing into the crowd.  Grant could not follow nor react in time to catch his foe.

Forced to switch tactics, Grant adjusted his holy garments' magics.  In the old days, they all would have worked together.  He accepted the attacks from darts and rocks in order to hit the nearest gnoll with fiery fists, which exploded into the others nearby.  Several barrages of the thinned their ranks, but also caused more than a few wounds on him.  When the last gnoll other than Razk fled, Grant stood face to face with the laughing gnoll.

"Your tricks worked only to delay your defeat."  Grant, now bleeding, his legs cut in ways that slowed his movement, and low on useful blessings.  Prayed for healing and began to fend of countless attacks.  Razk moved in and out, attacking with claws and a bite in rapid endless barrages.  None of Grant's maneuvers worked on the quickly moving gnolls; the Steel Chop, the Chilling Stabs, the Lightning Drop, the Tree Break.  The first technique was the last to try.  As razk hopped back to disengage and attack again, Grant left with a flying kick.  Razk, surprised the old man could move like that took it on the chin.

Stunned and now concerned, Razk laughed and threw up his hands, "Good fight, you win, I'll stop...hehhehehe."

Grant was tired and very thankful.  He didn't know if he had another kick in him.  Standing tall and feigning strength, he said, "Good, and I will be merciful.  Tyrogatore judges that for your actions, you will replay him some day, at a time when Grant deems it fit to do so."  Razk shrugged, "Sure."

So Grant was able to return to his temple.  For the moment, he would rest.

The hand that rolls the Dice rules the world.

Offline Valdis

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #269 on: January 28, 2021, 08:16:31 AM »
Asinjin should definitely have been given consideration as a name.
That is the name the children gave the permanent Unseen Servant...