
Valizar's crusade:

Doesn't actually happen
1 (14.3%)
Gets defeated in its first battle
1 (14.3%)
Wins a few and takes control of the southern forest
1 (14.3%)
Succeeds in wiping out opposition in the forest and kills Greenfellow
3 (42.9%)
Destroys the world
1 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 7

Author Topic: Tales of the Heroes  (Read 46386 times)

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #225 on: January 24, 2021, 02:53:33 PM »
Cloud (Windblade, wizards)

Although most thought it was an incredible thunderclap, in actuality it was the splashdown of a person hitting the water not far from a heavily crowded tavern called the Low Bar.
This was no where close to what I was expecting.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #226 on: January 24, 2021, 02:58:44 PM »
Cloud (Windblade, wizards)

 Luigi seemed depressed and cooked a lot, and was also enamored with Melodi's status.

Era 4 - Fat Luigi...  +6 overalls of intelligence.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 03:15:29 PM by Zunder »

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #227 on: January 24, 2021, 08:08:25 PM »
Russel Hargrove (Whitesword, wizards)

After the Battle of the Broken Temple, Russel spent a few fruitless weeks attempting to scry the servants of Nilas’anor at the behest of the Knights and the Kingdom.   When he had exhausted his options, he devoted himself completely to finding a way to repair the Stone of Chronomancy.   By 793 he was sure that it could be done but found his attempts to access the circle blocked.   Especially frustrating was the indifference of the Church of Smofarf.   Russel had never been an especially devoted follower of Smofarf, and following his imprisonment by Nilas’anor, he had drifted towards the powers of the upper planes, but the church’s obvious complicity with Iott marked the beginning of the end of his adherence to Smofarf’s faith.

Equally unhelpful and unsettling was the absence of his two long time friends.  He had not seen them in years, longer than ever before in his life.  He had not been able to find them either.  The failure here compounded his frustration and his state of mind.  His excitement at seeing them return was dampened by the timing of that return.

Russel was taken by surprise by the opposing forces on the Day of Broken Magic.    The breaking of the Stones broke Russel’s spirit.   Already denied access to several schools of magic by his concentration in Chronomancy, Russel was at a greater disadvantage than perhaps any other archmage after the Day of Broken Magic.   While his friends were eager to talk to him and spend time, he withdrew. For more than a year he lived in seclusion. None of his colleagues could coax him out of his despair. It was finally Allanda that forced into out of his doldrums and back into some level of activity.

Russel had always been devoted to Allanda and it was only because of their friendship and her wishes that he did not worship her.   As Smofarf had abandoned the cause of good and Allanda clearly intended that he set upon a different path, Russel journeyed to the Guardian Vale.   He had sought counsel there after his release from Nilas’anor’s domination, and had received direction from Aezir, the proxy of Jazirian, the mighty power of the couatl.   Under the tutelage of the sect’s mystics, Russel began a journey inward, to unlock his psionic potential.   With his nearly unparalleled intellect, the studies came easily to him.   He returned to the College in 802.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #228 on: January 24, 2021, 09:43:23 PM »
Sergeant Quorl (Master Po, Constables)

After the Severing, Quorl remained in his position as liaison until 790 when all the prior members of the Scaled Elven military and constables’ service were given the option of formally joining the Kingdom’s service.  Quorl considered retirement but could not ignore the plight of his countrymen. He was formally promoted to sergeant.

During the Battle of the Shattered Temple Quorl protected the residents of the city and escorted them out of the section of the city affected by the fire storm.

As reconstruction began, the local officials quickly recognized Quorl’s leadership abilities and promoted him to watch commander. Leading up to the turn of the century, Quorl ably policed the city. Respected by both the law abiding and professional criminals, he became one of the city’s best known officials. He was also regular attendee at Roland Kenai’s dojo and established a professional but friendly relationship with him.

Quorl would need all of the good will he had accumulated during the plague years and in the aftermath of the Day of Dust. For many Scaled Elves, isolated from the eastern lands by dangerous seas and even more forbidding wilderness, believed that the Crown treated the Protectorate as an afterthought during those challenging times. Quorl and his constables uncovered several plots by agents of Greysnows to so discord, but convincing the people that the Kingdom was doing all it could was difficult and stirred up old resentment.

In 810 a new movement began in the Protectorate. Elves calling themselves the Unconquered Alliance began spreading propaganda and inviting young Elves to join them in their secret strongholds in the Strife Lands. Some of them claimed kinship with the Wyros family that had led the Scaled Revolt. Worse, in 812, they began to claim they spoke for Syoniese Etch, who had not been seen in more than twenty years. Quorl had served directly under Etch and was sure the Warlord was not behind this.  By 813 more than 1000 young Elves had disappeared and Quorl could not stand idly by. He petitioned the Governor to release him from his duties to lead an investigation. Instead, just before the end of 813 Udarin Thate and Vasili, the Kingdom’s most respected investigators arrived and the three of them departed Portet to begin the hunt.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #229 on: January 24, 2021, 11:31:33 PM »
15 left...
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #230 on: January 25, 2021, 12:01:51 AM »
Luigi Wonderword (Zunder, Wizards)

Returning to Habololy after many years, into a battle of epic proportion that ended in his spellcasting abilities being severely hampered, Luigi decided...he would take a nap and cook and eat.  So much had changed.  Allanda was now a full fledged deity, Iott was more powerful than any time since the reign of Bart, Icefia fought a war in the west...well that one happened all the time.  He would have to figure out how magic was different now.  Would food taste the same?

He went to talk to Cloud, but he seemed to be intent on crusade.  He went to talk to Russell, blah blah blah, end of the world.  He went to talk to Allanda, wait a deity.  Where were is apprentices?  Serving Iott, left for the forest.  Everyone had gone crazy.  As far as Luigi could tell, the world was in pretty good shape for all the changes.  There wasn't any great wars.  Iott's reign, controlling as it may have been, saw an incredible boom in trade, health, and peace.  His trip to the market told him that there were babies everywhere.  No wonder, Quan Yin appears to have moved her faith in a better direction.  Good for everybody.

Who was this Gneon character?  Another want to be tyrant, or a do gooder revolutionary hero?  Probably both.  Marshall Lyla, quite the sight.  No one seemed to be at Home anymore, Luigi looked.  No sign of that Lemugem fellow or his crazy family.  Good news.  Turns out that the day he left was now called the Day of the Scorpion.  The whole world named a day in honor of losing him to another world, at least that was one way to look at it.  Cool name, it needs a recipe to be served annually on that day, one of course involving scorpions.

At some point, a tower arrived in Ekarude.  A whole new world of songs and foods to explore.  He heard that the goodly wyrms had retaken control of the unknown.  The Great Forest war had ended with a treaty.  Iott had neutered the evil forces in western Icefia.  The pirates had finally been cut off from Kathow-tio-Horari.  Baernl wasn't under the control of Sutyr.  Lakius' religion was drifting away from isolation.  Falan had removed his dark half.  Why was everyone so somber an dour?  Insanity!

After a time, Luigi decided that his people had the right idea.  Amansky remained out of the fray, above it.  They saw the world in a better light.  He spent at least half of his time there.  Without his friends an Allanda and having been away for almost a decade, the college and the tri-tower weren't the same.  Parker and Asinjin, who were spending more time there, greedy and grumpy.  Somewhat to his surprise, despite that, he was offered the role of dean of magic.  Luigi waffled...then pancaked, then toasted, before making a decision.

He would be dean on several conditions.  The college accepted, and for a time, he was dean.  But it did not suit him.  Amansky and the life there were more appealing.  Cloud never returned.  He felt old, different.  There was as growing sense that despite his appearance, his age was far greater than those around him, and the difference seemed to expand yearly.  After only a few years, he resigned.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #231 on: January 25, 2021, 12:21:31 AM »
Luigi part 2

His time in Amansky was wonderful.  The rest of the world may be on its head or off course, but the residents of the nation were on track.  The Academy of Magic and Song was magnificent, and he was given a residency there.  Teelia, the headmistress and distant relative of Luigi was welcoming.  The cello master, Lucindia, courted Luigi endlessly.  Life was a grand festival!  Agents of the world would contact the great wizard, asking for him to join the effort against Iott.  Luigi would have none of it.  The world was not burning, and the forces of Drunnbar and the tinkers were not the allies he wanted to go die for.

His illusion was shattered during Le Settimane Del Terrore.  Iottians terrorists defiled the jungle.  Luigi was sad that it came to an end.  He had convinced himself it would last a lot longer.  It still could.  Amansky would likely continue as it had been, and he could live here forever.  It took years more for Luigi to leave, but he prepared as he did.  With his cousin, and allowing no one outside Amansky to see, they found a way to use song to allow them to cast spells which was not typically castable in these times.  Once there, he now only needed a way to put it into the best use.

His request was answered by a man Luigi had not seen in decades who wandered seemingly by accident into the academy...

Bard 5 / Wizard 10 / Arcane Singer 10
« Last Edit: January 25, 2021, 09:49:27 AM by Asinjin »
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #232 on: January 25, 2021, 08:08:07 AM »
Luigi Wonderword (Zunder, Wizards)
 Luigi waffled...then pancaked, then toasted, before making a decision.

* drops mic

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #233 on: January 25, 2021, 02:29:08 PM »
Claude Greymander III (Master Po, Seas)

The life of the lucky, sailing, dragonslaying, wishing, alchemist was one that he would have hoped for following the return of the Golden Mother to the dragon throne in the unknown.  Mostly retiring to the small town north of Port Talp that he called home, Claude took care of his family.  Oddly, this included both his blood relations and the many unclaudes that had come into existence.  Surely, that hadn't been his doing.  Some force must have recognized the power in Claude and done some devious experiments to make more of himself, but bizarrely failed and these handsome, intelligent, but less powerful versions were the result.  It was hard to keep track, so he kept a notebook:

•   Ice Gnome, Gnandgrey Cloud - single minded, stubbron
•   Jungle elf, Kanga Jivishvu - umm...I'm not female
•   Vishtoo, Grey Cloud - keep away from children
•   String mountain dwarf, Klendar Greystone - really shouldn't live near the sea
•   Orc, Claudis Grisio Ambulant - doesn't age well
•   Halfling, Clud O’mander - aren't they supposed to be good cooks
•   Gatori, Klad Gutmanger - don't make him angry
•   Gree, Klava Seriyahser - organizes everything
•   Nipit, Claudio Vaygar Grigio - better singer than alchemist
•   Gremlin, Clam - always hiding

While suspecting there might be more, they may have sadly never made it to Claude.  He would try to find them from time to time, then a kid would call for his help.  If he wasn't with the kids, he was working in the lab.  Always working in the lab.  Luckily, when help was needed somewhere, one of the unclaudes was happy to go an help.  Claude himself would be sure to send a note letting those expecting him know that this was in fact a member of Claude's group and they were there to help.  Of course, Claude would not send them out until they had been properly trained.  For Clam, that meant never.

One time, during the reign of Iott, a poor unfortunate dragon came calling.  Hoping to score fame and fortune, it was met with swift death.  Such became the reputation of Claude and his group that for twenty year more the Greymander did not taste draconic blood.

Called into service by Tfop, Claude did participate in the breaking of the stones.  While there were many names given to the day, Claude always liked Freedom from Magical Tyranny Day.  It never caught on anyway except his home town.

Having done his part, Claude again went home and lived a peaceful life.  The unclaudes did their part around the world. Claude occasionally heading into the city to conduct business.  His long time friend Agniclair kept him up to date on events.  When the Guardian of the Tides came to port, he would try to make it to see the ship and crew, but often mistimed things and missed them.  Sometimes, he draconic friends would visit, but it was not often.  Their lives were measured in centuries and what they thought of frequent visits was not what he thought.

When the plagues came, Claude feared for his town and brewed endless potions to keep it safe.  Sadly, several of the unclaudes died from the plagues as they went out and about to help the world combat them.  As reports came in and time passed, Claude looked long and hard at the Greymander.  From what he understood, powerful magic like what he could use from the sword was incredibly rare now.  What if he wished for the plagues to be gone?  That would work, right?  Perhaps it was Tfop or perhaps it was growing wisdom that came from age, but he decided against it.  For years, it would weigh on him.

In 814, a guest came calling.  It was night time, an odd hour to visit unannounced.  Claude was nonetheless unworried.  The last thief to dare something like this ended in a dragon's claw being flown to an uncharted island.  Opening the door gave Claude a start and he immediately knew who stood before him.  Bow, kneel, salute; Claude ended up doing all at once and finally gave up as his wife bid the stranger come in and sit.  The parlor was beautifully crafted, as were the chairs they sat in and the rug the children laid on to hear the stranger's story.  After two hours of entertainment, everyone but the stranger and Claude were asleep, snoring where they had settled two hours before.

"The world needs you one more time." the figure, who was in truth no stranger to Claude. "We have been called upon time and again through the centuries to champion a hopeless cause, and Habololy is looking to us once again.  If we do not succeed, tyranny may rule for centuries.  Others will do there part to shield you as you go.  The other Claudes will provide a distraction, since others cannot tell you and them apart through magic.  Once done, head to Amansky and to the Academy of Song.  You will need to find others to help you in this quest, but fear not, I will guide you to them."  The rest of the night was pleasant, and Claude did not tire.  When the sun rose, he began to prepare.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #234 on: January 25, 2021, 02:39:59 PM »
That’s my favorite so far.

Offline Zunder

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #235 on: January 25, 2021, 02:57:13 PM »
Was sorta hoping we'd all play a unclaude..

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #236 on: January 25, 2021, 03:06:49 PM »
Claude part 2

Several things needed to be done before leaving.  First, Claude called upon Orico'irlym.  The great bronze dragon met him on the rocks out to sea as was typical.  Claude told him the story and what he had to do and asked him a favor.  "This one sounds, well, overwhelming.  I'm not so sure we will win this one, and after all, I am getting a bit old to do this stuff.  Would you.."  Rico jumped in an without hesitation agreed to go with Claude.  The dragon buzzed around and gathered his armor and weapon.  Finally, when he came back, Claude who had been catching fish and eating nuts, chimed in, "I was only going to ask you to watch my family, but if you really want to go, I guess?"  Rico paused and agreed to watch over Claude's family and the town.  But he would not let Claude go alone.  "When you reach Amansky, I will make sure you are joined by an ally."  Claude thanked Rico and said goodbye, hopefully not for the last time.

Back in town, Claude gathered the unclaudes.  "Its time for you each to live you own life.  I have a mission and you aren't coming.  Follow my example, the teachings of our Lord, and you will do well."  One by one, they thanked him.  Over the years, even if Claude had not realized, they all had come to know that they owed him their lives.  Claude wished them well and said goodbye, hopefully not for the last time.

At home, Claude spent a week with his family.  His wife knew soon that something was going to happen.  Claude's face had a serious look it rarely had and he was more focuses that usual.  They fished, they cooked, the brewed.  They played games and he told all of his favorite stories one more time.  "And then, I wished the ship was right side up, and poof, there it was..."  This kids laughed as they did every time.  When the week was up, Claude gathered almost all of his things.  In a sealed chest, he left the Greymander and a note for Claude IV.  "Not any dragons where I'm going." he thought.  Early in the morning, having said good night to the children and put them to bed the night before, he kissed his wife and told her he loved her, hopefully not for the last time.

Walking into Port Talp, he went to the shop of his friend Agniclair.  It was open when Claude arrived and he told the gnome what he was going to do.  "Take what you need, whatever it is."  The two spent hours gathering supplies.  They talked all manner of alchemical nonsense.  They laughed and when they had gathered everything they could think of, Clause wished his friend good luck and left the shop, hopefully not for the last time.

Claude wandered the street of Port Talp for several hours, thinking and readying himself.  He ate at his favorite tavern and listened to his favorite minstrel.  He walked out to the docks where he had seen the letter posted for the Vigilant Seas all those years ago.  Before leaving the city, he looked back and knew, it would probably be for the last time.

Crafter 1 / Cleric 3  / Alchemist 10 / Ranger 2 / Dragonslayer 5
« Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 02:29:32 PM by Asinjin »
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #237 on: January 25, 2021, 03:23:38 PM »
That took a depressing turn.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #238 on: January 25, 2021, 03:51:12 PM »
Reikbar 1st Sledgehammer (Zunder, various)

Few knew as much time at war as Reik as soon as Iott's reign began.  The best traveled of the royal family, he had more experience in the world than any other member.  From day one, Nomagrok was a target.  Iott aligned with the Dwarven Kingdom and the assaults did not relent.  Reik and his brethren knew little peace.  There was never a massive battle nor huge casualties at any one time.  But the constant terroristic threats and incursions drove the Sledgehammers deeper into the cities and caves.  They were cut off from trade, isolated, angry.  Reik's ire grew, his helplessness profound.

When Gneon came knocking, it was Reik that was assigned to speak to him.  Despite the pain it would cause, Reik agreed with the plan.  Nomagrok would attack in all the expected places.  Making it seem as if the kingdom had finally had enough and was willing to start an all out war in order to break the national siege.  Reik knew who would lead the attacks.  Graid 6th Sledgehammer, high cleric of Alarault, Render of Magic; who had lost an eye and survived two assassination attempts was chomping at the bit to attack.  Several epic failures had finally quieted him, but the siege continued to provide new faithful and recruits.  Now, they would lead the charge on the day.

Reik himself would be part of the group breaking the stones.  The plan was a glorious success, despite the heavy losses Nomagrok sustained.  After that day, Reik campaigned around the world.  Now was the time to attack.  Break Iott before they adjusted.  Nomagrok had taken the first hit, now the rest of the world needed to step to the fore and take the first to the tyrants.  Only the orcs stood tall and marched to war.  Turned diplomat, Reik traveled and rallied support.  He was the target of several attacks, but turned them away.  No wizard seemed willing to engage him in anything but a passing attempt.

Even after the orcs failure, Reik continued.  Gneon met with him and they prepared another, larger invasion of Iott.  Nomagrok wanted to help, but their war with the dwarven kingdom kept them in check.  It seemed as if the gathering revolution was on its way to winning, when the dark day arrived.  Kallark transcended to the planes.  Iott's power restored.  Reik was devastated, he he continued.  As a speaker and diplomat, he went around the world, meeting with all who would speak with him.  Icefia, Gnarland, and Pacyr.  He was respected and continually targeted.  When they were not able to kill him, Iott let it be known that those speaking to him would be targeted.  This was more effective.

He was joined on the travels by Owrken 8th Sledgehammer, a cleric of Alarault.  This charismatic dwarf brought the quasi deity's magic hating faith to much of the world that had never heard of it.  When the plagues came, his task became harder.  Fewer people were willing to talk to strangers or foreigners.  For Reik, who refused magic, this made the prospect doubly tough. 

By 812, when Reik returned to Nomagrok after a decade away, all seemed lost.  Iott's quick ascension to power before the Day of Magic was Broken gave way to a slow more deadly climb to power.  He sadly reported to the king that the only solution was to hunker down and wait it out.  The faithful of Alarault was furious and declared they would pick up the mantle of resistance to the magic tyrants.  Reik prince of the dwarves, stone breaker, was now a bystander in a cave.

Two years later, a commotion was the first interesting thing Reik had heard in a long time.  "I'm really not a threat to any of you, I mean unless you have dra..err...wyrm blood.  Or possibly if you're a slaver or a pirate, and maybe, no definitely if you are a plague."  Reik walked into the great hall and saw a vaguely familiar foolishly dressed human.

"Prince, can you tell them to unhand me?  I'm here to talk to you about a mission."  Something hopeful and dreadful stirred in Reik's belly.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #239 on: January 25, 2021, 04:01:35 PM »