
Valizar's crusade:

Doesn't actually happen
1 (14.3%)
Gets defeated in its first battle
1 (14.3%)
Wins a few and takes control of the southern forest
1 (14.3%)
Succeeds in wiping out opposition in the forest and kills Greenfellow
3 (42.9%)
Destroys the world
1 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 7

Author Topic: Tales of the Heroes  (Read 46401 times)

Offline Malchia

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #405 on: February 07, 2021, 05:03:37 PM »
Haas v Valizar was much less disastrous than I expected.
Agreed.  I was worried when I first saw this post, but that was the best possible outcome I could've hoped for.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #406 on: February 07, 2021, 07:51:50 PM »
Rin - 4th era

Someone killed the Traveler of the Seas...  The Angel of Fury has been summoned forth!!!!

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #407 on: February 07, 2021, 09:53:18 PM »
Haas v Valizar was much less disastrous than I expected.
I was expecting Valizar to prevail and undo all of Haas’ reconstruction efforts. Glad this turned out as it did so Haas can maintain his sanity.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #408 on: February 07, 2021, 10:40:52 PM »
To give everyone the heads up, this brings an end to the stream of stories for the past 5 weeks.  The final few wrap up ones will be coming, but I wouldn't keep checking for new posts constantly.  I will ding when there is an update.  In the meantime, feel free to reminisce, save your characters stories, and perhaps discuss favorite scenes or more fan theories.

Thanks to Zunder for his timeline and death stats, xp will be awarded in the 4th era for his efforts.
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #409 on: February 08, 2021, 12:34:47 AM »
Battle of Mount Ila'Alnar

In northern Baenrl, away from the mountain fortress of the king of the giant nation, is the holy mountain of Sutyr, a place that has long been home to the high temple.  Once Sutyr betrayed the Counsil and left the plane to connect to his true self, the mountain erupted in fire and flame and has burned constantly since.  Those that traveled the desert’s edge road could see the smoke pouring out for ten miles away when it was light.  It was a beacon for those wishing to visit the high temple from Habololy and from other planes.  Now, unable and unwilling to extinguish the fire, it was a marker for all those that came to battle Sutyr.

They came from the far north.  Ice gnomes, far from home but willing to go into the most hostile environment to defeat their nemesis, led by the Great Liberator of Barnstenagor Koth.  Twelve hundred arrived at the mountain, though several hundred more had left their homeland months before.  The trip was hard for the gnomes.  Plagues of the main continent took a tool, made worse as climate made them ,pre susceptible.

They came from the north.  The king of Icefia arrived with the best soldiers the kingdom could spare.  Veterans of the Siege of Mount Oneash, experts in war machines, knights of renowned.  They sailed separate from their northern neighbors to make sure at least one group arrived to help.

The came from the Great Plateau.  Gneon and his tinkers sent one hundred planes.  Some arrived weeks before and quickly constructed a landing strip miles away.  Their efforts were harassed by mephitis at every turn.  The plane squadron was led by Admiral Gneeledbit.  Gneon also sent Commander Gnorsendar and his twelve Giant Killer Class Tinker Golems.  Slow and heavy, they sported massive spikes on top of them and heavy braces to prevent being crushed. 

They came from the east.  Having been on the sidelines for two decades, the Jungle Elves arrived to the surprise of most.  Led by a prince named Dedaryl, one thousand elves had made a long journey to defeat Sutyr.  They spoke of a tradition of the jungle elves to stand against great planar evil.  They spoke of finally being able to strike out against Iott, and they warned of the new Kingdom of Southern Yellowia.

They came from the planes.  The Guardians arrived in all their glory.  Waywatchers arrived from all over the main continent and Icefia.  A collection lead by Escalon the arrow, who was almost never seen in public in the world at large.  There was rarely a gathering of this number of their kind, and yet they arrived here, for this battle.

The came from the Great Forest.  Fey by the hundred arrived, lead by Spaz.  A barely organized collection, they were all compelled by forces and feelings that they did not quite understand but drove them to the battle.  Nervous and scared, they said that not acting scared them more than being there.  Their presence unnerved many.

They came from the ranks of the holy warriors.  Haas, high cleric of Tyrogatore along with mighty Valizar, Warlord of the Lizardfolk and also a cleric of Tyrogatore.  Ajax, most sacred warrior of Stasis.  Lukius Veratius, high cleric of the Old Orc, who most did not believe was there.  His presence gave pause to even the Guardians, who could not believe they would be allowed near him.  Raygen, Intorian liberator of Tfop arrived as expected.  Saren, paladin of all the goodly deities, traveler, and protector of the Desert’s Edge road, and also expected.

When all these had gathered, they met and talked and decided two things: Who among the assembled was best suited to lead; and that if they wanted to succeed, they needed more.
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Offline Asinjin

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #410 on: February 08, 2021, 12:30:32 PM »
Battle of Mount Ila'Alnar part 2

The assembled leaders had an idea of the magnitude of the enemies they faced, but they needed details if they were to succeed.  Some had heard different tales of what exactly they faced.  Some thought it was merely Sutyr, others mostly Iottians.  To learn more, the came together in a tent that was nothing like meeting rooms they were accustomed to using.  In the Guardian Vale, places as secure as there could be from planar intrusion existed.  In Balinhost, the Southern Coalition had constructed a meeting room impervious to divination.  The deep jungles of the elves were akin to Amansky in their opaqueness to intrusion.  The cold barrens of Gnarland were places few went.  The tinkers mastered the art of created noise and interference to make listing in or seeing in very challenging.  This was a tent.  It was large, it had flaps.  No enchantments swirled around it; wind could blow sand into it.  Volunteers brought in water to cool down the leaders.  With magic in its current state, there seemed little point to going further even if there were casters capable do doing it.

As was pointed out, it seemed not to matter much.  The forces at the mountain could see them and knew why they were there.  There was not going to be much subterfuge or intrigue.  There was only a timeline.  The group had more than days and weeks, but they did not have months.  They could not wait out the defenders, they had to at all costs defeat the power of Sutyr within the mountain.  The advantage they had was that for years the Guardians and their allies had routed out his cult around the world.  This was the last meaningful place of power for him.

The details the collected came from many sources.  At least two Iottians, who were never named at the meetings detailed some of it.  The great diviner Asinjin, who as luck would have it lived nearby provided more.  The Guardians and the Fey added their knowledge to the list.  The list the leaders saw gave them some.  A significant part of the Iottian arcane army, about a third by estimates, was now advocating Sutyr take Kallark’s role as the power behind their magic.  This group had sent 1,000 spellcasters to the mountain, with them were dozens of powerful clerics of Kallark that had switched cults upon his defeat.  Although Baenrl was split, and many giants did not want a return to the rule of Sutyr’s Sultans, enough were present to provide the heart of the mountain’s defense.  Three thousand fire giants were there.  Swirling about were planar creatures of varying types.  The creatures of the plane of fire were to be expected, as were those from the plane of ash, smoke, and magma.  Some fiends of the Nine Hells and Archeron were there, and they could also have been predicted.  More concerning was the presence of other planar creatures, ones from places and planes that should not be working with Sutyr and his allies.  No one present had a theory, or at least one they were willing to share, as to why they were there.  Most concerning was the presence of Sutyr’s avatar.  This additional news had little impact on the masses, as they already saw this as incredible mountain to climb.  To the leaders, those who knew, this was as concerning as they could imagine. 

In the room, with the leaders, Escalon summed it up, “This is not a temporary summoning.  This is not an appearance for his unholy day.  It is not there for an hour at a time.  It does not awaken when needed.  Sutyr’s avatar is there, in that mountain.  It plans and watches.  It is divinely directed by his true essence in the planes.  This level of intrusion is second only to Amat walking freely on Habololy.  And yet, we must succeed, at any cost.”

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #411 on: February 08, 2021, 01:43:08 PM »
Battle of Mount Ila'Alnar part 3

The allies could not decide on a name for themselves, but luckily, they agreed on strategy.  Knowing they could not wait for a long time; they began to test the mountain.  They moved their camp closer and closer, having started miles away.  The tinkers began bombing run, starting at great heights, and getting lower every few days.  The Icefian artillery tested against the smaller hills in the area to determine the strength of the stones.  The gnomes dug trenches.  The elves thoroughly scouted and learned the terrain.  They fey watched were given the task of numbering and naming the planar creatures.

During this, the leadership and the heroes searched for more help.  Iott was not that far removed from power and the failure of the last attempt to remove magic from them had led to many nations questioning whether this would be any different.  The zealots were in full revolt, but most nations were in no condition or had no interested in taking a stand against Iott.  Hertoplowis and Pacyr were the most interested, but they were so close to Iott, that no meaningful force could leave their nations to join the effort.  Some of them called for Valizar to command the lizardfolk to come, others wanted all Icefia to be on the march.  The majority believed that would lead to needless death.  The forces of Sutyr would cut down even veteran soldiers with ease.  Only the elite could help.

Two weeks into the assault, things had changed little.  The attacks were successful in that they collected information and suffered few losses.  It confirmed that the defenders were indeed more interested in defense than offence.  No plane was destroyed, no artillery piece broken.  Hope began to build that the effort could succeed, but that time would run out before it did.  At one meeting, Raygen took the center of the room and spoke, “To do this as soon as is needed, we need to think differently.  Pretend the rules are gone.  What would you want here helping us?”  Each member had an idea, and over the next month, some worked.

No one thought that the black figures clouding the sky were a good omen on a blisteringly hot day.  No one had illusions that they were a mirage.  The planes were almost scrambled when the call came to let them land.  Virtually none of those gathered had ever seen a Vishtoo before much less five hundred.  Their leader was black stone and was welcomed by Haas and introduced as Bezeded S'z't.  Valizar and the Vishtoo stared at one another for an uncomfortable minute.  Ajax’s nose wrinkled and tusks twisted uncontrollably.  Some thought he was having seizure.  Arion had to be directed the other way to inspect the soldiers.  Here they were, five hundred Vishtoo ready to fight.  Few know why, but they were there and willing to listen to Haas.

The lone figure that arrived from the south was very separated not noticed at all.  An elven scout saw the dwarf just before he walked into camp.  Weighed down with all manner of equipment, piled up higher than he should be able to carry, the solid grey beard walked right into the tent during dinner time.  Many sensed his presence soon before he entered.  The holy rose to their feet, the others, now joined by Bezeded S'z't did when then sensed not the dwarf, but the magnitude of the arrival from the others.  Ajax spoke first, “Lord Dourvan, you honor us with your presence.  With you here, we are all safer and more confident.”  When word spread to the soldiers over the next few days who had arrived, optimism was split with fear.  What were they facing that a quasi deity need arrive to aid them.
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #412 on: February 08, 2021, 03:50:53 PM »
Here is a theory on why Cloud and potentially the others of The Wizards 3 can still cast high level spells when the stones are broken.  Each of the wizards has certain conditions or items (that we keep secret) that they need to meet in order form them to have the power to cast spells.  I think those conditions/items that allow us to access our spells bypass the stones being broken.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #413 on: February 08, 2021, 04:59:29 PM »
Battle of Mount Ila'Alnar part 4

Much of the mountain’s protections involved fire and the Vishtoo were able to probe them for several days before the defenders took real note of what was going on and what the creatures were.  One dead Vishtoo found by others on the slopes put an end to the easy scouting.  Up until that attack, the defenders had never left the safety of the mountain, but the death was clearly caused at close range.  The death helped the Vishtoo gain a bit more trust among the allies.

The guardians delivered disappointing news.  Their agents in Amansky could not convince the nearby nation, which had come through the past decades as unscathed as any, to lend assistance in any meaningful fashion, although several Nipits and Sakor’akai arrived of their own accord.  They joined a growing list of adventurers from around the main continent and some from beyond, that journeyed to help in the fight.  Even at that, there were fewer than they would have hoped.  Iott had taken its toll on the world, as had the plagues.  The effort to extinguish Sutyr’s cult up to this point had thinned the list of experts in dealing with exactly this type of problem.

Help trickled in day by day, week by week.  Saren and Koth’s ally Knot arrived.  The host of guardians and Icefians included: Garanuf Frozensky the giant killer, Palaat the Long Arm, Jamison Wokal cleric of Gnarion, Gnicodemos Batterbronze, Argus of the Fire Eagles, Tania Falconsoul, Cinatus Ulogot, Alara Gemblade Knight Captain, Derman Warmarch Knight Captain, and Avren Songsmith Knight Captain.  Raygen’s friends and allies The Nomad Lords led by Renalshaw and numbering eleven arrived.  The desert elven sultans did not come, nor did they send their bodyguard or agents, but as a sign of good faith, they paid for the Trio of Gold; Juhutimose, Emenses, and Khenmet to take part.  Their help was accepted, but Haas, Ajax, Saren, Knot and others were displeased by the presence of the mercenaries who had opposed them years before.

Each person that came wanted to give an opinion, which would have been chaos had it not been for the presence of Dourvan.  Not even the Trio of Gold was so arrogant as to assume they knew more about strategy than a quasi deity of it.  The plan he crafted had not flaws that anyone in the tent could perceive.  Only another deity of greater intellect might have had a chance at defeating it.  None knew if Sutyr fit that description, but they feared he might.  The plan Dourvan crafted was elegant and simple.  Close the noose around the mountain.  They had some time to spare, so they could inch closer, minimize loses and weaken the enemy forces.  When the time was right, they would launch an all-out attack aimed at defeating Sutyr.  Once done, whatever remained could be delt with or if no resources were left to fight them, their existence would be an annoyance but pose no existential threat.

As the weeks went on, those sort of words from the mouth of Dourvan, spread through the camp and beyond.  Two months into the siege, some others began to sense the weight of the threat and more help would begin to arrive.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2021, 05:31:40 PM by Asinjin »
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #414 on: February 08, 2021, 06:44:51 PM »
The storm in Ermaneo will be a limited series played in session.  If you have a character listed in that story arc, make sure to get them ready.  Please let me know if I didn't give the character and updated level.
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #415 on: February 08, 2021, 07:21:34 PM »
The storm in Ermaneo will be a limited series played in session.  If you have a character listed in that story arc, make sure to get them ready.  Please let me know if I didn't give the character and updated level.

Can you give the characters that are in that Story Arc.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #416 on: February 08, 2021, 07:23:26 PM »
Can you give the characters that are in that Story Arc.

Everyone who ended their story at the Low Bar.
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #417 on: February 08, 2021, 07:29:01 PM »
OK I know I have Cloud.  I will try to find time to read through the story again to see if I had anyone else.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #418 on: February 09, 2021, 11:20:35 AM »
Battle of Mount Ila'Alnar part 5

Only one type of aid was turned away, and it happened in the ninth week of the siege.  First the tinkers reported planes not starting, then the Trio of Gold claimed missing components.  After a day, Spaz was the first to figure out that gremlins were around.  Sensing something grand, and not too far from the mountain, a swarm of them arrived.  Like locusts they were into everything.  Claiming they would help, claiming that Compture wanted Sutyr to be gone, they offered support.  Their leader, who called itself The Great and Powerful Eez, met some of the leaders, but not in the tent.  After hearing its request, the leaders met.  By overwhelming vote, they decided to tell the Gremlins thank you but you must leave.  Spaz, who was one of the few votes to allow them to stay, suggesting they go into the mountain to cause chaos.  Eez decried the decision and vowed retribution once it was over, but for now, it would leave.

Other strange allies arrived and were allowed to remain.  Two Horarians with a complection that was different than typical arrived.  Some of those assembled had been to the Iron Tower in Ekarude and recognized Kagetora Uso the sword master and Kaiu Tingsho the battle wizard.  Despite being in an abnormal state of existence, they were welcomed.  As they sat in the ever-growing tent to have dinner on their first night when Kaiu began to speak of the troubles of their home world and how closely this threat came to their own history.  Dourvan and Escalon guided the conversation quickly away from further detail and only Dourvan’s divine presence prevented a stir as the conversation turned to strategy going forward.

The night sky flashed days later and a warning call rang out, planes began to spin up but the scouts reported no action at the mountain.  A bolt of white or silver raced across the ground and into the tent.  Many saw, few neared.  Whatever would go into that tent uninvited was no business of anyone not in it.  The leaders that were inside at the time, including Ajax, Dourvan, Arion and Koth saw a white-hot scaled dragon, smaller than any would expect.  “I am Dash, I have to at the request of my lord to aid you.  With my are two agents of the Golden Mother who will reveal themselves when needed.”  Word ciculated with two days that dragons were in the camp, and they were allies.  At no other time would moral and confidence reach this level.

The effort to close the noose continued.  Each day, the forces inched closer and still rare was the engagement with the enemy.  They could be seen, they could occasionally be heard, but only the stay scout of low flying plane ever seemed at any risk.  Talk turned to what would happen in the battle itself and how the allies would fight the giants and planar creatures.  As if someone had been listening, the tent was visited again.  This time guards lead a Nipit into the room.  Ajax recognized him and smiled briefly before realizing what he had become.  Dourvan bade him speak.

“I am Malchia, herald of the great Collector.  He has an offer to make, to help with his battle.  I need to speak with King Arion.”
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #419 on: February 09, 2021, 11:09:02 PM »
Battle of Mount Ila'Alnar part 6

The king, the high cleric of Stasis Michael, Escalon, Haas, Dourvan, Emenses, a transformed Dash, prince Dedaryl, and Lukius were in the room as Malchia made the Collector’s offer.

"The fight against Sutyr will be a hard one and the glorious Collector in his wisdom and charity wants to help the effort.  King Arion, you possess an item that is of great interest to the magnificent Collector.  In exchange for this item, he would give to you and your allies here the following bounty of magic that would be by any estimation a steal."  He unfurls a scroll and reads:

“- 12 giant bane weapons
- 11 fire resisting shields
- 10 winged boots
- 9 beads of force
- 8 bracers of spell resistance
- 7 gloves of rock throwing
- 6 cloaks of displacement
- 5 regenerating amulets
- 4 staffs of frost
- 3 helms of true seeing
- 2 rings of spell turning
all for
 - 1 Hammer of Thunderbolts

The Collector awaits your answer.”

There is a murmur in the room, especially among the Icefians.  Several of the other leadership gather outside the door to see and hear what was happening.  Spaz maneuvers inside.  In response, Michael asks: “How long do we have to consider your offer?”

"It is an open offer until the fighting begins.  Probably not up to the last second, but a day before."

Another pause and quick conversation, followed by Michael asking, “I presume you are specifically referring to the Hammer that Arion is now carrying, and that if we could find or buy an alternative Hammer that would not be sufficient?”

"Yes, specifically the one that belonged to the great hero, his ancestor." Malchia responds.

Emenses, curious and unafraid, chimes in, “What exactly does this hammer do that the all-powerful lord of magic items is so interested?”  No one answered him.  Instead, Michael said, “That’s what I thought. Your master misunderstands the situation. The Hammer is not Arion’s to give. It is a relic of our church and he can no more give it away than he could the Gemblade or Stasis’ armor.  However, as your offer is generous, allow me to make a counter proposal.  I will just need a day or two to make the arrangements. Please be our guest.”

With a bow of agreement, the herald of the Collector left the tent and a discussion began.  Those in the tent were soon joined by a myriad of other and the largest gathering of leaders that had yet occurred took place.  The Icefians kept their own counsel for the most part, despite constant questions.  Finally, Michael and Escalon leave the tent and the camp.

The next two days are some of the most tense.  For the first time, the leadership appears divided and the troops can tell.  It does not take long for word of what has happened to spread.  A growing number feel that the religion of Stasis is being unreasonable.  Few blame the king.  Progress slows for those days.  Ajax convinces the dissidents to give the high cleric a chance to make things right when he returns.  He does return, flanked by Escalon, Arion, and two other that had not been here before.  Malchia is summoned to the tent.  They are carrying two large lead cases, one bearing a crest unknown to most, the other crest of the Desytoytian Republic.

Some heard the exact words, others heard only the gist of the meeting.  Malchia and the Collector are offered two items instead of the hammer.  One he refuses, the other he says he must consider.  He leaves, but not in a bad mood.
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