
Valizar's crusade:

Doesn't actually happen
1 (14.3%)
Gets defeated in its first battle
1 (14.3%)
Wins a few and takes control of the southern forest
1 (14.3%)
Succeeds in wiping out opposition in the forest and kills Greenfellow
3 (42.9%)
Destroys the world
1 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 7

Author Topic: Tales of the Heroes  (Read 46419 times)

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #300 on: January 30, 2021, 11:56:10 AM »
Uh oh. Someone just poked a sleeping, gun toting, time traveling bear with a stick...
Fixed that for you.

Offline Asinjin

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #301 on: January 30, 2021, 11:58:09 AM »
I tried to name all 22, only got to 12
Ajax is too old by the end.
Even money on the wizards, specifically Russel. 
Even money on Haas.
Even money on whomever is at " The Low Bar" and "The Red Sky" being the epic end.
But my money is on Claude and some ridiculous wish.

Two of these four could still happen.
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #302 on: January 30, 2021, 03:33:17 PM »
Two of these four could still happen.

I've switch to Harrick..  for dramatic effect.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #303 on: January 30, 2021, 10:54:47 PM »
Dovin Coril (Whitesword, various)

When Iott's reign began, Dovin's missions became less frequent.  Their vigilance over planar comings and goings meant that large dangers were answered by them and lower planar creatures that came to Habololy were defeated by the Iottians or prevented from arriving all together.  Additionally, the danger from Greysnows was diminished during this time again due to Iott's oversight.  It was a nervous at times, but relaxed at times feeling.  The years became easier with big Iott watching, but there was an unease to their continually growing power.  Dovin was not as disturbed as many of the guardians whose value of freedom was much higher than his.  Not to say he did not value it, only that he did not mind that a force was out there preventing the lower planes from reaching Habololy, even if it meant they were watching him too.

He focused in those year on other tasks, more mundane in nature but nonetheless meaningful.  Creatures of lesser note that had been allowed to lurk due to lack of resources were hunted down.  The cults of Vishtoo, Loomashyn and the other lower planar ones were dealt several meaningful blows by Dovin and the guardians.  The battle against the lower planes might never have been in such good shape as it was after five years of Iottian rule.

The Day the Magic Broke was a terrible event when looked through that lens.  The only silver lining was that spellcasters could no longer easily travel to or summon things from the lower planes.  But those that had been in hiding or biding their them started to creep out of the shadows.  Their hesitation bought Dovin and the guardians time, as they did not understand as well as the guardians what the state of magic was. Dovin was assigned a leadership role and he and his team's task: find any new loth that made its way to Habololy and destroy it before it could make plans.  Dovin thought they must be joking, or perhaps they meant any loth that came to Icefia, or some area.  But the guardians were not joking.

Iott knew sooner than any other mortal organization what the breaking of the stones meant.  They reached out within a month to the guardians and came to an agreement on what to do to prevent planar incursions.  Knowing Habololy would be at greater risk due to the lack of magic available to many, they sought the guardians and made Kay Allansa, the headmaster of Planar magic available to them.  She became Dovin's official contact with Iott and the two worked together on a plan.  Dovin had not often met as impressive a woman as Kay.  As well studied as possible, dedicated to understanding of the planes without being consumed by any of them, she had a mental discipline that matched Dovin's physical one.  The two became fast friends.

The next four years were hectic for Dovin, yet rewarding.  Kay directed and led lead.  In nearly every nation on every continent, she had the ability to detect loths and send the assault team Dovin lead.  As the years progressed, the loths sensed the vulnerability and more attempts to reach Habololy were made.  Dovin guessed sixty in the time they worked together.  Although some members of his team died, he, Kay, Julius the Bright, and Permenu Waterskipper survived the years.  While the many successes gave Dovin great pride, it was the singular failure in that time that haunted him.

In 799, in the town of Lewsteinen in the Destroytian Republic, Dovin and his team faced a loth Corruptor called Calamutus.  These loths were known to Dovin and Kay, and it should have been no hard task to dispatch it.  By luck, it arrived in a market, already disguised.  Anyplace else and it would have been dead in less than a minute.  Lukurs the Bold called out for everyone in the market to stop.  They did for a moment, which would have allowed Dovin to quickly find the loth.  Both things devolved quickly.  Ugain, bad luck, as he would learn later, a band of thieves was just about to rob a passing noble who was traveling through the market covertly.  The nobles guards took Lukurs for a bandit, the thieves took him to be the law.  Chaos ensued.

Ill prepared for battle with trained bodyguards and a mundane band of thieves, Dovin and his group though to retreat, but the loth was still in the market, and worse, he started to kill civilians.  They had to remain to find and destroy it.  Dovin could not remember a more chaotic scene.  There was no way to tell innocent for combatant, thief from guard.  His ability to find the loth worked, but the mass of people and movement was such that it was near useless.  It only ended several minutes later when two locals Iottian agents stationed in the republic arrived and puts spells to work dispersing the crowd.  Kay, who had been communicating from afar, arrived later, as she unable to planarly travel at the time to have reached the area faster.

Calamutus escaped, two members of the team dead along with twenty five from the market.  A mix of thieves, guards, and civilians.  The local Iottians and Kay argued for a long time and Dovin and his team were detained for a day.  Two months later, the team was back at it, heavy hearted from their losses but still with a mission to complete.  Only successes after lifted their spirits, which were doing fairly well by the time 801 arrived and things crashed.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2021, 12:33:45 AM by Asinjin »
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #304 on: January 30, 2021, 11:42:49 PM »
Dovin part 2

Kallark became a cultist.  Sutyr betrayed the Counsil.  Iott abandoned the alliance with the guardians.  Life was chaotic.  Dovin ran as fast as he could from mission to mission.  He felt as if he ages three times as fast as he should have.  A veteran hunter, a skilled warrior, a proven leader, he was in high demand everywhere.  He slept little, he enjoyed less.  His team was split up, each given leadership of their own, having proven themselves.  Kay rarely communicated, but Dovin understood.

The years sped by.  It was always defeating one problem to see another arise.  Often Calamutus lurking, causing mischief, as if to spit in Dovin's eye, reminding him of his failure.  He would chase the loth through the islands and into the unknown and around the horn of Dedestroyt, but he never caught his prey.  If only he had a little more time every time, but something greater called him away at the last moment.  He should have been there to help defeat Miskit, he should reached Solaris in time to deliver a message, he should have been in Yellowia to prevent Ajax's capture, the town shouldn't have burned...

The plagues were of little concern at first to Dovin.  He was able to tend the sick without threat.  But then word came of Pelinduri, the latest disease to be named.  The Yinites confirmed to the guardians that it did indeed effect planar creatures.  Dovin was recalled, against his wished.  For far too long, even though it was not a year.  He trained others and remained in the vale.  By 810, the threat of plagues had faded some, and Dovin returned to the field.  His new mission was a solo one.  Search out the clerics of Chaos and kill them.  For some reason, they had become more forward and were reaching into the lower planes more than ever before.  Among their number was now a powerful Demonologist, a type of spellcaster that had not been seen on Habololy for hundreds of year.  Speculation was that the rise of Re'Alpf had lead the cult to take the drastic turn.

Thankful, Iott had a great dislike for the cult of Chaos, and Kay rejoined Dovin.  She appeared to have aged more than she should, as in the intervening years, he had only communicated with her telepathically.  With that said, she was a sharp as ever.  They had at their disposal Dovin's old team as well as several agents of Iott.  Two years of action decimated the cult.  They suspected help came from unlikely allies, and they did not turn it away.

The final battle, the end of the cult of Chaos, came early in 814.  In far off Ekarude, huddled within a tribe in the south, the last of the cult lingered.  Dovin arrived with Julius, Permenu, and Kay.  And another appeared in a ball of fire to aid them.  Dovin did not know fear as a general rule, but he knew who this was, and he had no illusions about what would happen he he turned his now legendary temper to Dovin and his team.  The elf looked no different from the last time Dovin and he had fought together thirty years before.  This time, bad luck was nowhere to be found.  The cult was ill prepared for the assembled group now facing them.  For a moment, Dovin thought he would have to die trying to bring the Iottian to justice as a fireball engulfed the village.  When the explosion cleared, only the cultist were aflame.  The innocent fled.

Dovin himself slew the last cleric, while Julies brought the Demonologist to heal.  Kay undid all of the connections that lingered to the lower planes in the area.  Before he died in a purging fire, the Demonologist cursed them.  His books were nowhere to be found.  The Iottian left, and Kay was obliged to go with him.  Sometime soon, she promised, she would come and help Dovin find the books. 

Upon finally arriving at Cape Tolya, Dovin said farewell to his friends after a meal.  They were heading off to other assignments.  He looked at the collection of items from the cultists and thought to himself that he had not been shopping in a while.  Some of the items were not useful to the guardians, and there was trade here better than anywhere else, since he would never deal with the wretched Collector.  He had not been in Magikowner's in quite a long time.  As he neared the shop, a crowed also approached.  He hid faster than they turned their eyes, and he looked on...

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« Last Edit: January 31, 2021, 12:21:28 AM by Asinjin »
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #305 on: January 31, 2021, 12:15:44 AM »
The Company of Long Odds, Part 1 - and then there were 11

"I tell you, I ain't goin within fitty feet ack dat place!" - Reik

"Then stay here, ye stubborn rock, there is no better place to get what we need.  Smofarf grant me serenity to make it through this with you." - Montaron

"No plaz can have that much, you lie cook." - Razk

"Oh no, it does, it's magnificent, and the owner, he loves cupcakes." - Rubius

"No, not as many potions, but lots of other stuff.  Could use a sword." - Claude

"You have no sword?" - Acyll

"I don't have a sword, I do fine." - Grant

"Are you kidding?! Not useful?!" - Keldan

"Might be with Keldan on this one.  Its ship-flipping, claude-making, orc-returning useful." - Daane

"Wait, what kind of sword can do all that?" - Ari

"Meh." - Claude

"Excuse me, not to intrude; hello Prince Reik, Keeper Grant, Acyll, Rubius, Grandmaster Arishimoto.  To you others, my name is Dovin and I mean you no harm.  I am curious though, what are you all doing here."

"Oh, you are a lucky halfling, so glad you're here." Claude said as he rubbed Rubius' head.

"My name is Claude Greymander...the third." he tipped a foolishly small soaked hat.  This was very odd, as it wasn't raining.  "And this is the," he lowered his voice, "The Company of Long Odds.  You seem to already know some of us, which is a good sign in my estimation that you'll be joining us, but let me introduce you to Montaron Mountainmagic, Keldan Windblade, Razk, and Daane Silversword."

Dovin was taken aback.  Keldan Windblade was a Suian finalist.  Daane was the Grandmaster of the Silverswords.  He did not known Montaron or Razk by name, but considering the others...

"All the deities must be with us, Claude," Acyll said. "You asked for someone else who might be helpful?  Dovin would be near the top of that list for me."

"Helpful with what?" Dovin was a bit nervous.  This assemblage meant nothing small.

Claude walked close to Dovin.  The lazy-eyed, soaked hat sloshy booted human made him a bit uncomfortable so close.

"We're on a mission from Tfop." he whispered. "We're going to destroy Kallark."

Dovin's eyes got large and he scanned the others.  Razk was biting his arm, but everyone else gave him a knowing nod.

"I guess I'm in."  But I need to go to Magikowner's first.

"Us too."
« Last Edit: January 31, 2021, 12:29:28 AM by Asinjin »
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #306 on: January 31, 2021, 12:28:09 AM »
« Last Edit: January 31, 2021, 12:29:40 AM by Asinjin »
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #307 on: January 31, 2021, 01:31:11 PM »
Shadow (Windblade, Tyrogatore)

Whether he ever had a name other than his moniker is up for debate.  Perhaps those that raised him at the orphanage knew when he was given to them what it was, or perhaps they had given him a name along the way that never stuck.  Whatever the case, he was the guardian shadow of the temple of Tyrogatore and the city of Lynkeed.  Leaving occasionally on a mission for Father Haas, he would soon return to the service of Father Adrian until his natural death and then as an agent of Father Hargon Tuskenhammer. 

Lynkeed was a free city when the reign of Iott began.  By that time, Shadow had already been Lynkeed guardian for more than five years.  As a one man processer of criminals, he did in the name of Tyrogatore what the city could not do on its own.  Without the backing of the Orcish Empire, it did not have the structure and funds to police itself well, especially as it grew, which it did quickly when it became a free city.  People of all types swarm to such a place, for good and nefarious reasons.  All quickly learned that to cross a certain line was to draw the attention of the Shadow and be disciplined at best by the clerics of Tyrogatore at the orphanage and at worst on the spot by the Shadow.

In those years, a number of unwanted elements were confronted and turned away by him.  He battled a collection agent, tinkers looking to set up shop, and a necromancer.  Along with the typical riff raff, he literally spanked an ornery gnome from the plateau who was not a tinker but dressed in an all white suit.  All of those never came back.

When Iott's reign began, Lynkeed was twice the size it was when Shadow had arrived more than thirty years before.  The city was ruled by the faiths of Tyrogatore and Everentual, who made and enforced the laws.  An orcish liaison held much influence, as did the counsel of merchants.  When the Iottian ambassador arrived and made an offer, Shadow did not approach, but it was not his position stop a deal.  Tyrogatore and his warnings looked foolish as the city flourished for the next five years.  Iott meant order, peace and wealth.  Lynkeed prospered.  Shadow had few outlets, so he traveled the area, avoiding the nations and taking the justice of Tyrogatore to smaller towns that typically did not enjoy Tyrogatore's security.

Before those years, his fame was known only in Lynkeed, but now, the area surrounding the city began to know him.  From the sea to the great forest to Borkondof and Yellowia and to the Orcish Empire, those untamed lands gained a measure of security and order thanks to Shadow.  He thought at times that Iott was not that bad.  Their structure in Lynkeed had a cascade effect and now the whole region was better off than it had been.  Shadow was wise enough to  see where he had been too judgmental.

When the call then came from Haas to help with a mission, Shadow did not hesitate.  When the mission proved to be the breaking of the circle of magic, he did not pause.  But he considered what Iott's removal might mean and he did wonder how much harder and chaotic life in the region might become if they withdrew.  Father Haas' and the assembled group completed the task, magic was broken.  Shadow rushed back to Lynkeed and awaited the collapse.  It did not come quickly.

Iott's insertion into life in the city had been so well planned that things continued as they were.  The Iottian consulate that was present in the city remained.  After months of expecting the worst, Shadow was forced to re-evaluate again and he moved into the surrounding areas to continue his task of bringing Tyrogatore to those lands.  He found upon his return that former orphans had taken up residence in some of those towns and founded shrines.  Building on his reputation, they preached the word of Father Haas.  Things were good.
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #308 on: January 31, 2021, 04:04:54 PM »
Shadow part 2

During the years after the breaking of the stones, the orphanage began to see an upswing in orphans.  There was never a shortage, but the amount seen following the failed crusade against Iott was unlike anything the living had seen.  Fortunately, Shadow's and Iott's efforts had made Lynkeed flourish and the city was able to absorb the large number.  The temple grew in size, buying nearby structures and converting them to orphanage use.  The reliquary, which had at this time been completely restored, was moved into a new building.

Shadow heard rumors and talk of uprisings against Iott, and some elements approached him to join them.  But his experience was not theirs.  The Iottians in Lynkeed had not been oppressive, they had not been unfair, they had not robbed and committed acts of war against the people.  If Tyrogatore was the judge and the guide and was to be believed, then no actions they had taken warranted such reprisals.  The Iottian ambassador to the city, a human named Burke, was not a flighty or aloof or arrogant as the agents of the insurgents told Shadow others were.  Burke was a down to earth, hard working wizard who in another life might have been a worshipper of Tyrogatore.

In 800, the time of the Graplore arrived.  Father Haas had considered Lynkeed to host the event, but it city's still friendly relationship with Iott dissuaded him.  Shadow attended the event, traveling with a number of participants, including a young man that Shadow picked as his representative.  The orphan reminded him of himself, and he thought one day he might be his replacement.  Vince, who was 5 when he came to the orphanage, had no chance of winning.  The experience would make him stronger, and that was Shadow's plan.  Upon his return, he had to clear out some troublemakers that were planning an attack on the Burke.  Shadow posted the saboteurs and their clickers to a wall for everyone to see.

As an independent city, Lynkeed had the freedom to make its own choices.  As some other nations distanced themselves from Iott, Lynkeed had not.  It remained in good order up until the time when Kallark rose to power.  In Lynkeed, little changed.  As Iott's power grew again, Lynkeed went unharmed.  When the plagues arrived, Lynkeed faired no better or worse than other cities.  Shadow focused on those sneaking into the city.  Numerous times, he was forced to cleanse himself after an encounter with a plague ridden agent.  It was dirty work.  But the orphanage remained safe.  It continued to flourish and as he neared fifty years old, Shadow could only look at his life with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

In his younger days, Shadow would not have guessed that Lynkeed would one day be seen as a safe haven, a example of good governance and co-operation.  From his perch on top of the orphanage, he would look out each night and listen to the sounds of the city.  No screams or drunken yells.  No constant arguments from the market that ended in violence.  Iottian planning and Tyrogatorian rules had brought them a successful city.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #309 on: January 31, 2021, 04:52:10 PM »
Shadow part 3

In 811, shadow was making the rounds as he did most nights.  It was cold, windy, and quiet.  Nothing could stop time, and the cold bit into him more than it ever had before.  He was glad to see the glow of dull red in the sky above Burke's home.  A symbol he used to call shadow when he was needed.  Swiftly, he made his way to the ambassador's home.  It had no walls and was large but not obnoxiously so.  Shadow went in the secret door and moved into Burke's study.  The dark haired bearded man in his fifties had notes in front of him and a serious look.

"You have been found out my friend.  You were there on the day Magic was Broken.  You are a stone breaker.  An assassin has found you out and told me to set you up.  I will not, but I cannot let this go either, or my life is forfeit.  Go to Burrow Street, make it look like you do not know what is coming.  It will be a fair fight.  If you lose, Tyrogatore's judgement that will be.  If you win, no one else will know."

Shadow nodded his appreciation and sped off to the street.  Prepared as he walked into the dark windy night.  He soon learned the nature of his assailant.  Silent lightning crackled through the fierce wind.  He was shocked, but not seriously.  In the circles Shadow walked, the killers and assassins were known by reputation and moniker, but by name.  Iott had four killers, four hunters, one for each element.  The deadliest was the elf, a fire bringing fiend that would have annihilated Shadow.  This was the nipit, a creature of air and lightning.  Shadow now knew his opponent and had a plan.

Leaping onto the buildings, he rushed around, giving the appearance of an erratic dash.  Bolts came in from every direction.  The nipit riding them and moving from place to place.  Wind gusted in and knocked Shadow into walls as he leaped.  A bad turn on his old legs and a break was his worst fear.  Ice began to coat the roofs, but Shadow gliding on it without hardship.  Hail pelted him and he shrugged it off.  Mephits appeared and Shadow shattered them with ease.  Four ten minutes, the chase continued.  Shadow kept his composure and held to his plan.  A bolt of lightning came in and Shadow intentionally took part of the blast, falling but controlled.  The nipit appearing from the wind and brandished a spear of electricity.  Shadow felt the sting of the air around the nipit and fought against the shock of it.  Light coated the area, banishing the shadows.  That would make this harder.

Holding his attack until the last minute, as the nipit neared and the power of the spear caused Shadow skin to burn, he darted forward and past the nipit.  A simple attack, a single strike as he passed by.  Shadow was on the other side of the laughing Nipit, now badly burned from the lightning.  The Nipit's laughter stopped and he movement slowed.  He had fear in his eyes and they could barely turn to look at Shadow.  Their eyes locked for seconds and the nipit would have screamed in terror if he could have before his heart stopped and he fell dead.

True to his word, Burke never revealed the truth other than he had fought the Shadow and lost.  The reasons for the fight were never explained.  Iott had no reason to send other resources after Shadow, as Burke gave them no reason.  Life in Lynkeed continued to go well.

Kallark's defeat changed things.  The forces that despised Iott no longer feared reprisal and their pent up anger exploded around the world.  Word reached the orcish empire that Iott was still welcome in Lynkeed.  Some, the mob came.  A thousand orcs marched to the city.  The people wanted no part of the fight.  Word on the street was that Iott was finished.  Despite all the good that had been done, few were willing to stand against the mob.  The orcs and their allies looked from all signs of Iottians, but seeing the coming storm, most had fled.  Burke did not.  Having grown to love the city in the decades he was stationed there, he would not flee.  He stood outside of his home and waited.  Armed only with the truth of what he had done to make life in the city and the area better, he waited to confront the mob.

Shadow watched from above.  He had asked the temple to stand in the way, but they said the city was more important, protecting Tyrogatore name and the civilians for the next orcish reign over the city was paramount.  Only Shadow went out help, having ordered his apprentices to stand back and remember what had occurred.

When the charged Burke, he defended himself with spells, but it was not enough.  Shadow dropped into the mob, a dark angel.  He stared at them as they paused for a moment.  He uttered rare words, "This man has done no wrong.  Tyrogatore judges he should live."  For a moment, Shadow and Burke thought the crowd would disperse or move on.  It was the longest moment of his life.  But anger won the crowd over.  Calls for revenge drowned out the thoughts of justice.  The mob pushed forward.

Watching from a distance, Vince would not let himself cry.  He only held barely held himself back.  He would later tell the story of Shadow, who single-handedly broke a mob of a thousand orcs.  Who fought on as his limbs were broken and his eyes gouged.  Who saved his friend's life at the cost of his own.

Vince lead the ceremony to bury his master behind the orphanage.  A statute was built above so that the city would remember the man that watched and protected them for decades.  The shadow that was over Lynkeed for many years was lifted, and the city was worse off for it.

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« Last Edit: February 19, 2021, 09:51:34 AM by Asinjin »
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #310 on: January 31, 2021, 09:48:37 PM »
6 left...who will be last...and why will they be last?
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #311 on: January 31, 2021, 10:01:15 PM »
This is the order
 next - Ash, then Vor'Ruk ( he's the orc stuck with Ajax) Haas, Valizar, Tchua, Finally Harrick.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #312 on: January 31, 2021, 10:40:43 PM »
This is the order
 next - Ash, then Vor'Ruk ( he's the orc stuck with Ajax) Haas, Valizar, Tchua, Finally Harrick.

First- I’m sure Valizar will make a mess. Situationally and of some poor unfortunates.

My money is: Harrick, Vor’Ruk (trapped with Ajax), Ash (rescues them), Valizar, Haas, T’Chau (with Kallark).

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #313 on: January 31, 2021, 11:01:06 PM »
First- I’m sure Valizar will make a mess. Situationally and of some poor unfortunates.

My money is: Harrick, Vor’Ruk (trapped with Ajax), Ash (rescues them), Valizar, Haas, T’Chau (with Kallark).

I got Vor'Ruk, Ash, Harrick, Valizar, Haas, T'chau (Why is he last? Because, plot twist, he is Kallark!)

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #314 on: January 31, 2021, 11:31:50 PM »
Valizar (Malchia, Tyrogatore)

'There is no peace in the forest, not while the enemies of Valizar live.'

'There is only glory and pain.'

'You will be Judged.'

'Listen to the words of Father Haas.'

These were the lines most uttered by the warlord of the lizardfolk of the Great Forest.  When it had become clear that the only way to organize them was to give them a warlord, that was what was decided.  The southern coalition did not like it, but the other options were worse.  So soon after the treaty, the agreed to back Valizar as leader of the lizardfolk.  It took some doing.  The Devourer also wanted the title, and he and Valizar struggled for several years gathering villages to each side.  Few others got involved.  The treaty meant that they couldn't, and even if it allowed for it, neither wanted to step into the frey.

The posturing ended in 794, and the two met in a swamp surrounded by their followers.  Vass and Gatori, a few wugs and other creatures; as many as could fit packed around the area to see and hear the epic struggle.  The to behemoths, enchanted to be even larger than they normal massive size shook the ground as the charged each other.  Trees bent as the stepped. Animals stubbled from the shockwaves.  Their roars deafened the young and scared the old to death.  Like legendary beasts they wrestled and every time one drove the other to the ground the splash of water doused a hundred spectators.  Their tail slaps were as thunderclaps, their claws lightning.

Although it seemed to those watching to last minutes, no creatures could withstand the terrible force of the blows for the two.  They were quick to beat each other nearly unconscious and not long to tire for the strain.  The devourer opened its mouth and Valizar saw annihilation awaiting in the magically dark maw.  He grasped the jaws and held them.  With all his strength he kept them from closing on him.  Finally, the devourer stepped back.  Determined to try again it lunged at Valizar again, now aiming for his arm.  With a sudden snap, the arm was gone, eaten and annihilated.  Furious, Valizar battered his foe again and again with his remaining arm.  He felt the crack of scales and the Devourer was stunned by the ferocity.

Trying to crawl away and regain his feet, Valizar moved quickly to stop his foe.  Stepping on one hand with his good foot, he drove the metal toes of the other into the lower jaw of the grounded Devourer.  Grabbing the upper jaw with his remaining hand, he roared out to Tyrogatore and wrenched back.  Time and again, he roared and pulled with all his might.  Finally, a tear and a snap.  Valizar pulled back the jaw farther until he began to turn the Devourer inside out as the spectators fled in horror.  The darkness inside of the monster began to spill out and annihilate it.  Valizar stepped back, not quite understanding what was happening, but enjoying the destruction of his foe.  Moments later, there was nothing left.

It took months, but he had a hand and arm made to match his foot.  Warlord of the lizardfolk, Devourer destoyed, Tyrogatore praises; Valizar took a breath and thought of the next things on his list.
The hand that rolls the Dice rules the world.