
Valizar's crusade:

Doesn't actually happen
1 (14.3%)
Gets defeated in its first battle
1 (14.3%)
Wins a few and takes control of the southern forest
1 (14.3%)
Succeeds in wiping out opposition in the forest and kills Greenfellow
3 (42.9%)
Destroys the world
1 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 7

Author Topic: Tales of the Heroes  (Read 46382 times)

Offline Asinjin

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #135 on: January 17, 2021, 01:25:57 PM »
Malchia (Malchia, various)

The world was a bit different when Malchia returned on the Day Magic was Broken.  Disoriented by the return and the sudden upheaval of magic, he took time to collect his thoughts and regroup.  The safest, and not far place he come up with was Amansky.  There, for a year, he was able to learn about the decade he was gone and understand what his magic could and could not do with the weave broken.

Time in Amansky was safe and relaxed, although boring.  He was allowed freedom and an out of the way home, but the citizens were not interested in Malchia's amusements or passions.  They cared little for Iott or the collection of relics and items of magic.  The more time he spent there, the more he felt as if he was being preached to or even lectured.  Warnings of expulsion from the nation were uncommon, but occurred.  It was clear the Nipits and Sakor'akai were wary of him.

Feeling he had outlived his welcome, Malchia began to contact his old companions.  Unreachable, dead, or crusading, most of the effort was wasted.  While he would have just set out on his quest to complete the Regalia of Quentin himself, the world now seemed not a good place for a lone sorcerer to be traveling with no home; even one as powerful as he was.  He thought of joining the effort to topple Iott, but by this time they seemed to be back peddling, and likely not ever able to regain the dominance.  Those that crusaded against Iott were often not find of arcane spellcasters and would turn away his offer of help.

So, he began to collect the items for which he had long been searching.  His quest took him around the world and netted him all but one of the items.  A decade, and it was nowhere to be found.  He had gone all the way to Home, but no one answered the call.  He traveled to all three of the draconic realms, yet none of the lords knew where it was.  He called upon Parker and the web of relic hunters, but they too did not know.

Finally, during a stop in Port Talp in 806, he was approached by a fellow Nipit, colorfully adorned.  Malchia immediately recognized the presence of numerous items of magic, and then the telltale signs of the Collector.  He had been hopeful in the early years of his return the the new deity might prove helpful, but the agents he encountered were underwhelming, trying to swindle his magic items, interested in merchant affairs, or a combination of those.  But his creature, for Malchia was confident it was not a Nipit, had a different aura.

"I represent Korekuta, The Collector, or as you might know him: Il Collezionista.  I am Natsu, his high cleric.  We have been watching you and now would like to make you an offer you can't refuse."  Wary, but intrigued as much as he had been...ever...Malchia met with Natsu.  The Collector's Herald for many years had been killed.  Malchia had long ago known Ty, and a moment of sadness hit him.  "We must choose a new one, and there is no one better suited for the task than you."

And so Malchia became the Herald of the Collector, Araldo dil Collezionista.  For the first thing that was given to Malchia was the last piece of the Regalia, which the Collector had found years ago.  Adorned with the set, empowered by a deity, Malchia set out to build a collection of Magic Items unlike Habololy had ever seen.  He made no distinctions, taking from Iott just has he took from others.  He was never reckless, heading what had befallen his former friend and last Herald.  He would have many years to collect, there was no need to rush.

After five years of collecting, The Collector, who directly communicated with Malchia now, had for him a new mission.  A great item, of rare value, had come to his attention.  It was not new, but it had risen to near the top of the Collector's attention.  It was unique.  It was beautiful.  The Collector wanted it, desired it, he would turn it into a floating temple, a symbol of all things the Collector held dear, Malchia would get it for him, the herald would let the world known nothing was beyond the grasp of the Collector!  Malchia could not contain his own excitement as the deity's words grew so loud that it seemed only to be nonsensical croaking.  What was this item, what was so grand that the mighty collector would need it so?  An artifact, a relic, a king's sword, a halfling's basket, a clicking raven, what could it be!

"Croke!! Bring me the Guardian of the Tides!!!"...

Sorcerer 18 / Relic Hunter 4
« Last Edit: February 18, 2021, 10:01:00 AM by Asinjin »
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #136 on: January 17, 2021, 01:54:43 PM »
Wake (Windblade, Seas)

Life on board the Guardian of the Tides was good for Wake.  The ship had gained a reputation that was becoming unmatched for corsairs.  As of 791, it was considered the premiere corsair vessel in the world, having even surpassed the Vigilant Seas.  As the years rolled on, Wake became Master of the Tops, best archer on the crew.  Some crew left, for life aboard the Guardian wasn't as exciting as it once was.  But for Wake, an elf with no horizon on life, even decades spent sailing the world about the greatest ship there was fine time spent.

He honed his skills, learned to command, mastered the paths of the seas, and kept stability on the crew as it turned over each year.  Time spent on the Guardian was like attendance at an elite college, or so he was told.  Once you served here, any ship would have you.  Wake became part of that, as each crew member that came aboard and could use a bow wanted to take lessons from the master of the arrow-less bow.

After two decades of having no fear, it was no wonder that when a giant bat covered the moon one night as the Guardian was at sea and hailed the ship, Wake was not concerned...

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« Last Edit: February 19, 2021, 09:49:07 AM by Asinjin »
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #137 on: January 17, 2021, 02:01:11 PM »
Great Warload Akrak.. not so Great!  *Hyena cackles*

Wait . . . Brothers chase wrong enemy all these years? Tox hope mighty Dedestroyt let Tox smash Akrak with his cod piece kettle for long time.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #138 on: January 17, 2021, 02:10:21 PM »
Taiji (Hero, Seas)

Happy as a clam, it would have been hard for Taiji to have found a better life than the one he stumbled into on the Guardian of the Tides.  Free to sail the world, on this ship, he could go anywhere.  No navy could get their way.  Any pirate that dared challenge them ran the risk of sinking then or later when Rin or Nathan took vengeance upon them.  With the slayer Claude also a known friend of the ship, even the wyrms of the seas were hesitant.

From carpenter to ship's mage and several other roles, Taiji served year after year.  Partaking in the pleasures of life at each port, he dreamed of never leaving the ship.  Captaining his own occasionally sounded fun, but that level of responsibility and work would eventually feel like a trap.  So he traveled and enjoyed, defending and maintain the ship.  Not even when they engaged a Grean Warship did he fret, as the Guardian damaged the enemy and fled without a scratch.

Over the years, Taiji oversaw a variety of magical upgrades.  These proved more and more challenging as the years progressed, but he figured them our and each year the ship grew more and more impressive.  His favorite addition, a carving of a sleek what on the side of the ship, one he had done purposely.  Enchanted by Tommimao's clerics, in thanks for a mission by the guardian, allowed the ship to ignore all manner of water hinderances such as seaweed, coral reefs, sand bars, and such.  He couldn't wait show to it off to Rin.  Maybe that would finally impress her enough.

One night, after he had been satisfyingly intoxicated, Taiji awoke to the nervous call of a crewmember.  Giant croaking bat, that made no sense.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 02:16:27 PM by Asinjin »
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #139 on: January 17, 2021, 02:39:39 PM »
Chase (Malchia, Seas)

After the Guardian's return from its voyage in the unknown, Chase left the crew to commission his own ship.  Made in the same fashion as the Guardian, it became known as its sister ship.  Collecting a crew, he was able to steal a few away from the Guardian and other ships to which he had connections.  Isiyawa, Parker, and later Kasai were the most notable.

The ship had many advantages, mostly stemmed from the experience and notoriety of the Guardian.  Every flaw that the Guardian had in construction, and there weren't many, were corrected with Chase's ship.  The assumption that the Guardian would rush to the aid of Chase and his ship meant that most ships were unlikely to engage it.

For the first few years, Chase and his crew sailed the world looking to right wrongs and save lives.  More adventurous than the Guardian, Chase had recruiting a crew to match and they were willing to follow him into any danger.  When the pirates and Layraedia fought, he sailed into the battle.  When Yinites needed an escort into unfriendly water, he offered it.  When Grean ships made demands of small port towns, he defended them.

About five years into his captaincy, a new mission arose.  He was contracted by Iott to help fix magic.  Jumping at the chance to help accomplish so grand a mission, for those that helped fix magic would surely be remember forever, Chase agreed.  The pay for the endeavor was great as well.  Better yet, it seemed to involve no combat, in less pirates came calling.  A load of cargo, magically confirmed to neither be illegal or stolen, needed to be transported from the String Mountains to Iott.

Collecting the cargo at Port Springs, Chase set sail.  For two days he sailed east until troubled waters slowed him a bit.  Nothing he had not encountered before.  A heavy fog rolled in the next morning.  Seemingly natural, Chase readied for an attack that quickly came.  Long boats latched on to the ship, slowing it further.  Great birds descended, harassing the crew in the rigging.  Flaming arrows rained down.  All these things, Chase had seen before and he called out orders to counter them all.  Winds swept away the fog, shielded them from arrows, and drove of the birds.  Crew cut the hooks.  In days of old, the ship would have moved swiftly away, but the spells that protected it now delayed that action.

Two longboats rammed and began to board.  Again, Chase had seen this and lead the repelling action.  Several minutes into the attack, the crew cheered as all seemed well.  But the ship lurched and all fell quiet.  A mighty bear, thirty feet long if it was a foot pulled itself half way onto the deck.  Chase yelled out new orders, and the crew obeyed as best they could.  The bear swiped men off the deck and tore away rigging.  It swatted away spells, arrows and spears.  Chase's tricks made little difference.  The longboats returned and this time were able to board the ship.

Realizing the battle was lost and fearing for his crew, Chase surrendered.  His hopes were rewarded.  Although some had been killed already, the raiders stopped their attack and took the rest prisoner.  Chase was relieved for a moment before be knocked unconscious. He awoke on a beach, along the coast of the Frozensky forest.  Left with enough to survive, he spent two years making his way back to Port Springs.

Once there, he found a ship and offered his services.  He had thought a great deal in his time in exile.  A long life allowed him such time to think.  Evetually he made his way back to Port Talp, where fellow corsairs were happy to see him alive.  He asked about his crew and heard that some had been seen.  Of others, there was no report and like Chase, they were assumed dead.  When the Guardian of the Tide returned to port, he met with his old mates.  Amare offered him the job of first mate, and he accepted.

His time aboard the Guardian was again well spent and enjoyable.  Chase would eventually get his own ship and settle the score.  For the moment, he earned coin, searched for word of any of his crew, and practiced his skills.  More than most of the crew, when a bat appeared in front of the moon one night, he feared.

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« Last Edit: February 14, 2021, 12:28:08 PM by Asinjin »
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #140 on: January 17, 2021, 03:38:22 PM »
Malchia (Malchia, various)

"Croak!! Bring me the Guardian of the Tides!!!"...

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #141 on: January 17, 2021, 04:01:14 PM »
Kasai (Malchia, Seas)

After a few years spent aboard The Redemption under captain Gabriel, Kasai learned that Chase had his own ship.  The voyages of Chase sounded a bit more appealing than Gabriel's more military style vessel, so with no hard feelings and at the end of his contracted time, Kasai bid farewell and headed off to find Chase's ship.

Quickly made the Ship's Mage, Kasai loved the ship and crew Chase had picked.  They sailed for several years completing tasks of daring and adventure.  Nothing ever rose to the missions of the Guardian in the mind blowing grandeur, but smaller tasks can have just as much meaning.  Kasai was quick to back Chase's plans to help restore magic to the world.  His owns spells were effected and the results were not what any self respecting wizards would prefer.

The mission to transport materials from the String Mountains to Iott was perfect.  Kasai spent hours making sure it was legitimate.  He met with spellcasters around Port Springs to confirm it, even talking to a high constable to make sure the items had arrived and remaining as they should have in the city.  All set, they set sail.  They took every precaution, detecting ships and weather as best he could with magic in its current state, Kasai readied the ship.

When the attack came, Kasai was ready.  Repelling arrows, birds, hooks, and all manner of attacks.  He directed the spellcasters with great precision.  But the bear was a huge problem.  To Kasai's dread, there was nothing enchanted about the bear.  All natural, he could do little to slow it down.  He did his best, unleashing his arsenal until the order came from Chase to stand down.  He did not want to, but he realized the dire straits of the situation.

They separated the crew into groups.  There were barbarians and Frozenskys.  Kasai waited as they watched him and took the crew away.  They were all being treated fairly and well.  Wounds were tended to and a few at a time they were loaded on to longboats to be taken to shore, including the captain.

Kasai was one of the last on board when he came to a realization of who was left.  He and the three other arcane spellcasters.  He leapt into action, but his spell failed and he coughed and choked.  "We are sorry, but our orders are to not allow your kind to live." said one of the dwarves.  "But, we will not kill the child." the dwarf pointed to one of the crew, Kasai's young apprentice.  "Dedestroyt be merciful: Bear, Water, or Ax?" were the last words spoken to Kasai.

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« Last Edit: March 09, 2021, 09:34:24 PM by Asinjin »
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #142 on: January 17, 2021, 04:28:53 PM »
Valdis Drac'Orden (Valdis, Seas)

The backbone of the Guardian of the Tides, Valdis remained on the crew after many of the founders were gone.  He remembered back to the post he answered for a crew on the Vigilant Seas, and later serving with many of the on the Pride of the Rose.  More than most of the other crew, the short lived Valdis appreciated and understand the passage of time.

Along with Amare and Thermon, the three had served together for more than twenty years.  Maybe twenty five, but Valdis was that good with time, which was even harder to track at sea.  As other departed, he became the veteran presence along with Amare.  He kept the crew in order and made sure there was no doubt that the Guardian remained the fiercest corsair at sea.  With magic shaky, his appearance on a nearby ship to warn it away was unnerving and dissuaded a few ships.

It was Valdis that turned away the fey mutiny. It was Valdis who rescued the crew from the smoke house in Magenthia.

When the ship's bell rang out in the night, Valdis answered the call and prepared the crew.
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #143 on: January 17, 2021, 05:36:24 PM »
Malchia Comes to Collect the Guardian

It was a chill night somewhere west of the Horarian Islands.  The Guardian of the Tides was sailing the long way around to the north heading to Portet.  Wake called out from the crow's next that something was above.  The officer on duty, Chase, who typically took the night watch, moved to the stern and quietly ordered crew to stations.  Whatever it was, there seemed to be no urgency in its movements.

By the time Malchia reached a height from which he could be heard, having given the crew time to access him and try to take in the gravity of their situation, most of the crew were at stations and readying.  He had been advised that the Guardian and its crew were talented and fearless, and rarely challenged.  He had also been made aware of all of its capabilities.  Which by the time had reached 100 feet, he had negated.

Amare, in full captain attire by this time, stood near Chase.  "Ahoy, I am Captain Amare of the Guardian of the Tides."  He let that sink in, as it sometimes was enough to deter.  "State your business."

"My name is Malchia, I have come to give you good news.  Il Collezionista has deemed your ship a magnificent specimen of magic and gives you the honor of knowing what you have made is worth of his attention and will be forever set as part of his collection."

Most of the crew looked puzzled.  This deity to most of them was a trader and patron of merchants.  A few also knew that his shrines were places where magical items could be safely disposed of or traded.  But the officers knew better.

"We thank you for your kinds words, but if its all the same, we'll keep the ship." Amare responded and silently gave orders.

"The great and powerful Il Collezionista offers each of you an item in exchange.  Every crew member will be able to take a coin to a shrine and exchange the coin for an item."

Taiji, having made his way on deck, chimed in, "Well, let's just skip ahead to the part where I trade my coin for the ship and we're on our way."  Many of the crew chuckled, few knew the level of danger they now faced.

"You have turned down a fair offer, so now a demand.  Take the exchange or the ship will be taken from your ungrateful hands."

Chase signaled to Wake, who fired a glowing arrow of warning.  "We do not take to threats.  Fly off now or our next move will not be a warning." the first mate called in a voice that shook with magic.

"I will do my best not to kill anyone, but the ship is no longer yours." Malchia dove down.  The crew was stunned.  No one attacked the Guardian, this creature must have a death wish.

Arrows flew towards Malchia, to no avail.  Spell rang out, bolts of energy and balls of sound, halting words, and tiring waves.  They had no effect.  In response, Malchia unleashed explosions of force which knocked a dozen crew from the deck into the sea.  The bat screeched, deafening and disorienting more.

Valdis raced up the ropes and slashed away, his attacks blasting the bat and rider more than Malchia had expected.  Chase inspired the crew and Amare directed the response.  A wave of exhaustion drove many crew to their knees as Malchia moved away from the rigging.  Amare tried to activate the ship's defenses, but one by one, they failed.  Wake's endless bolts could not strike Malchia.  Valdis prepped and readied to launch himself into the sky with an attack that would drive the attacker to the deck.

Taiji worked on getting the ship working, as he soon realized his spells were of no use against the attacker.  Some crew tended to those overboard, others tried in vane to send out messages.  Coordinating, Valdis and Thermon moved.  Leaping into the sky, Valdis flew at Malchia, not scored a serious hit, but driving him down just enough so that Thermon could throw his enchanted net.  Able to move, but not able to escape the net, the rider and bat were pulled down.

Still not concerned Malchia continued to even the odds.  More crew were knocked off the deck and the doors leading to the deck were sealed.  Even in the net, the crew could not seem to hurt Malchia.  Amare was frozen in place by a spell.  Valdis changed tactics and dropped to the deck, using hand signals, he directed a new line of attack.  Slowing the two instead of moving faster himself, he made them easier to hit.

Taiji dispelled them, hoping to get lucky.  Chase climbed high enough to stag out at the bat, stunning him with a skilled attack.  He signaled the others to follow suit.  From every corner of the ship, attacks came in with spear, bolt, arrow and spell.  Thermon swung the net around and slammed the two into the mast.  Right below Wake, at point blank range, he fired into the bat.  Deadly shot after deadly shot, the third through the head of the beast and the two fell.

The crew cheered, but they did not know what they had wrought.  "Surrender now and we will spare your life." Chase ordered.

Malchia spent what seemed an eternity staring at his dead friend.  He had failed Nefario, underestimated the ship, overestimated his own power.  Chase tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.  Malchia had not heard the words.  In an explosion of magic power he stood.  Everyone except Valdis and Thermon were knocked to the ground.  Every item on Malchia seemed to come to life.  He was not one spellcaster, but a swarm of magic items acting together.

Of all those that saw, Chase understood now what was going to happen.  As he had before, he began to bargain, but he could hear no words come from his mouth.  He saw Wake thrown from the crow's next into the horizon.  Amare obliterated by force.  Thermon consumed by fire.  Chase rushed to get the crew over board.  He lowered the boats as spells lit up the sky.  For miles he thought they must be able to see this display.

Taiji sent out spells of aid and transport, trying to save the crew and call for help.  He saved others, but was too late for himself, turned to dust.  As he had been for decades Valdis stood, the last defender on the ship.  He drew all of Malchia's ire as he withstood spell after spell.  The crew poured out to the deck, Chase had freed the doors and ran below getting everyone out as Valdis held off Malchia.

Chase thought it would have taken minutes to get everyone off the ship, but he could not tell how much time it actually took.  With the last boats away, he counted two thirds of the crew.  They rowed away.  The crew called out that they were safe, hoping Valdis could flee.  They never saw him again, nor their beloved ship, which vanished moments later.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2022, 11:27:31 PM by Asinjin »
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #144 on: January 17, 2021, 06:02:52 PM »
The imagery in that story is great. And I love that the Collector is still up to his old tricks under the guise of a legitimate businessman.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #145 on: January 17, 2021, 06:18:34 PM »
The crew called out that they were safe, hoping Valdis could flee.  They never saw him again, nor their beloved ship, which vanished moments later.
So you’re telling me that there’s a chance...

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #146 on: January 17, 2021, 06:40:37 PM »
I'm happy that Malchia finally collected the artifact set and became the Herald of The Collector, but I feel a little empty inside now that Nefario has been killed.

I agree with Hero; the imagery of that confrontation was epic, as it should be.  Even the deaths of the Guardian crew were spectacular.  I look forward to seeing what happens to Malchia and Valdis.

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #147 on: January 17, 2021, 07:15:21 PM »
The crew called out that they were safe, hoping Valdis could flee.  They never saw him again, nor their beloved ship, which vanished moments later.
Two for one deal: I collected the ship and Valdis.  ;)

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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #148 on: January 17, 2021, 08:14:12 PM »
Maybe an updated timeline and stats from Zunder...
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Re: Tales of the Heroes
« Reply #149 on: January 17, 2021, 08:21:31 PM »
Looks like I have 30 still to complete.  But over 70% finished...
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