Author Topic: Avoiding a Watery Death  (Read 4192 times)

Offline Asinjin

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Re: Avoiding a Watery Death
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2018, 11:05:58 AM »

The main officers from the previous crew spent time preparing the new ship and spending their newly earned gold. 

Nathan made an arrangement with a Mystic Theurge from Iott to be the new high cleric of the floating island.

We were about 1 month out from the new ship being ready to set sail when we found out we were no longer needed as part of the corsair fleet.  We decided we'd hunt pirates and go treasure hunting while we keep an eye on the enemies of Lakius.  Nathan and Rinn decided to front the money to pay an elite crew for 2 years.  Natsu offered to be a corporate sponsor of our ship and her crew, but Nathan declined the offer.

We decided to hold interviews for crew and rented a warehouse on one of the larger delivery docks.  The first day brought hundreds of people into the mix and we weeded out many under skilled or generally unsavory candidates.  Nathan posted flyers with requirements for officers and the rest of us helped screen peoples' abilities and casting levels.

It was either the end of the first or the second day of interviewing when we sent the last of the candidates out of the warehouse.  The room suddenly went dark and the doors shut.  The warehouse starting filling with water and shortly after we were assaulted by water elementals.  After Nathan used magic to rid the warehouse of extra water, three shadowy watery figures appeared.  By the time we caught our bearings, the group had been slam attacked and grappled in watery vice grips.  We were reeling and hurt badly.  Most of us were knocked unconscious or reduced to minimal HP in a matter of 2 rounds. 

Eventually, Nathan was able to control one of the elemental assassins and manipulate it long enough to polymorph into a polar bear.  Chase used the vanishing ability on his new armor to disappear and sneak around the warehouse healing everyone.  Rinn fought with magically enhanced flame weapons and Sas used spirits to make grapple attempts.  Kasai was knocked out pretty quickly.  Once revived, he snuck out of the warehouse and called for help.

We were barely putting a dent into the assassins.  It quickly became apparent that most of our combat prowess was ineffective against them because they had significant damage reduction and they were healing as fast as we were damaging them.   

Eventually we forced one out of the warehouse where Valdis engaged it in combat.  Other crew members eventually joined the fight and fought to a standstill. 

After a while, Kasai was able to wrangle up some help and Beverly came to the rescue.  Nathan's knowledge of elemental forces determined that they were agents of Lakius' enemies.  Right now, we're licking our wounds and speaking to the constables about the incident. 

Chase and Kasai would like to personally thank Natsu's Emporium for their contribution to this fight.  If it weren't for the nifty magic items they spent a fortune on, we may all be dead right now.  A party-wide annihilation seemed inevitable at one point, so we're lucky to be alive.         

The hand that rolls the Dice rules the world.

Offline Asinjin

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Re: Avoiding a Watery Death
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2018, 01:05:29 PM »
One thing you can do tonight before I arrive is set the watch rotation.  Three shifts.
The hand that rolls the Dice rules the world.