Icefian Campaign > Noble Missions

Cranes, Racoons, and Gators

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So.. Who is the best person to question our Orge Magi. ( before we wake it up ) 


--- Quote from: Zunder on October 12, 2022, 09:20:11 AM ---So.. Who is the best person to question our Orge Magi. ( before we wake it up )

--- End quote ---
I don't care who does the questioning, but I'll be sure to be standing close by with my greatsword in hand in case things go south.  Since he radiates pure evil, the instant he tries anything underhanded or magical, I cut him down, otherwise I stand and watch all the while making him feel as uncomfortable as possible.

That being said, we should probably get the captain involved before anything else happens. 

A drow and a golem might be a fun experience for him.

Ruby, who cannot hide her disapproving look when your conversations turn as dark and cruel as they seem to, says, "Before we offer threats and torture and death, let's talk and offer food and comfort.  It is not a lower planar creature.  It can be swayed and change it ways, or at least made to atone for its sins and crimes."


--- Quote from: Asinjin on October 12, 2022, 01:51:38 PM ---Ruby, who cannot hide her disapproving look when your conversations turn as dark and cruel as they seem to, says, "Before we offer threats and torture and death, let's talk and offer food and comfort.  It is not a lower planar creature.  It can be swayed and change it ways, or at least made to atone for its sins and crimes."

--- End quote ---

Dylan shrugs " yeah, sure, offer him comfort.  I'm ok with this.    Captain - where is the nail files, and he's an spring.. so Lime green nail polish "


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