Falan / Pacyr Campaign > Rise of the Undead Deity

The Next Contender is...

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--- Quote from: Valdis on May 10, 2019, 09:58:17 AM ---Having limited experience with umberhulks, and since no one has really brought it up, Saren asks the group. "Pardon my ignorance, but, other than the inherent vulnerabilities that all undead have to righteous and holy power, are there any types of weapons that are better suited to battling Orz's kin?"

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Marcus answers, "No, they are not particularly vulnerable to any element or weapon."

Marston pipes in..."In my experience, I've discovered, to my delight, that undead don't like being shot.  The loud noise and explosive nature of the rounds tends to shatter bones and protective armor.  For those capable, I'd suggest preparing any sonic spells you may have access to.  Shatter is one I'm familiar with and it works well against crystalline and mineralized undead."   

Saren gives a nod to Marstons answer.  "Will this upcoming battle be fought above or below ground?  From the story you have told, Orz's matron alone sank an entire city and then sacked it.  Do you foresee a recurrence of that tactic?"


--- Quote from: Valdis on May 10, 2019, 12:48:22 PM ---Saren gives a nod to Marstons answer.  "Will this upcoming battle be fought above or below ground?  From the story you have told, Orz's matron alone sank an entire city and then sacked it.  Do you foresee a recurrence of that tactic?"

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Marcus says, "I don't see a way right now where it happens above ground."


--- Quote from: Asinjin on May 10, 2019, 06:08:54 PM ---Marcus says, "I don't see a way right now where it happens above ground."

--- End quote ---
Who doesn’t like a challenge?

Astrek can help with getting us around down there

Ari’s detect evil can penetrate up to 15 ft of soil, 5 ft of stone, 5 in of metal, or 5 sheets of lead. And gets through most forms of anti-detection.


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