Seas of Habololy > First Voyage of the Guardian of the Tide

Set Sail in the Hunt for Olhydra

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--- Quote from: Windblade on March 08, 2018, 07:21:17 AM ---We signal them first and ask permission for me to come aboard.  How many friendly ships do we pass?

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You pass 8 ships that are non-hostile.  Note that these are not ones that are closer enough for Chase's spell, but taking into account Nathan's flight and extended vision.  Nathan sees more when he goes up high, but he figures this amount is sufficient.

The ships are merchants and a corsair; detail available if you want.  Three of them mention spotting the ship (this is during the past six days or more along the course you suspected).  They did not recognize it and it did not bother them.

No that is enough info.  So we travel along the course that the ships gave us and also reach out to other ships along the way.  I commune with nature once a day to look for evil presences that disturb nature.


--- Quote from: Windblade on March 08, 2018, 10:43:00 AM ---No that is enough info.  So we travel along the course that the ships gave us and also reach out to other ships along the way.  I commune with nature once a day to look for evil presences that disturb nature. It

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Nature does not report the passing of a great evil.


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