Habololy Forum

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[1] General Discussion

[2] 20 Season Tournament

[3] End of the Era

[4] The 4th Era Of Habololy

Young New World

[5] Out Into the World

[6] Tales from the Low Bar

[7] Unexpected Companions

Icefian Campaign

[8] Noble Missions

[9] Who's Who in Icefia

[-] In the Years Between Counsil Meetings

[-] Constables of Icefia

[-] Reluctant Heroes

String Mountain Campaign

[-] String Mountain Adventures

[-] Grean Adventures in the 9th Century

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[-] Grean Campaign

[-] The Gree Unwanted

[-] New Campaign Discussion

House Rules

[-] Critical Misses

[-] Darkness

[-] Tournament Rule Issues

[-] Negative Levels

[-] Ability Score Loss

[-] Language Spells

[-] Massive Damage

[-] Shotgun Cover

[-] Rolling Critical

[-] Subdual Unconscious

[-] Sleep

Habololy Books

[-] Beneath the Council - Underdark

[-] Guide to Bards

[-] Guide to Psionics

[-] Of Religions and Cults

[-] Prestige Classes

[-] Guide to Rangers

[-] Magic of Habololy

[-] Guide to Exalted and Vile

[-] Guide to Tinker

[-] Epic Handbook

[-] Habololy Handbook

[-] Guide to Monks

[-] Guide to Crafters

[-] Guide to Nobles

Habololy Concepts

[-] Anti Feats

[-] High XP Magic Items

[-] White Necromancer

[-] Domain

[-] Turn Undead Abilities

[-] Summons

Astilan in 5th Edition

[-] Seavgopneidu

[-] Lakyobok

[-] Skahdigav

[-] Making History part 3

[-] Making History part 2

[-] Astilan

[-] Classes

[-] Rule Changes

[-] Races

[-] Backgrounds

[-] Magic

Great Forest Campaign

[-] End of the War

[-] A Fiery Coup

[-] The Escalation of War

[-] Another Year of War

[-] A Year of Near War

[-] Trouble in the Great Forest

[-] Dragonslayer

Rogues of Port Talp

[-] Take the Treasure and Run

[-] The Gneon Job

[-] Sophomore Heists

[-] Esme's 11

[-] Natsu's Emporium Sale

[-] About Port Talp

[-] Building the Team

Seas of Habololy

[-] When the Campaign Ends

[-] The Rescue of the Guardian of the Tide

[-] Third Voyage of the Guardian of the Tide

[-] Gabriel's Ship to Be Named First Voyage

[-] Second Voyage of the Guardian of the Tide

[-] First Voyage of the Guardian of the Tide

[-] Second Voyage of the Pride of the Rose

[-] Setting Sail Again

The Great Plateau

[-] A New Grimhold

Falan / Pacyr Campaign

[-] Rise of the Undead Deity

[-] Return to the Plateau

[-] The Rescue of Emmerick

Wizards / Cults of Cold

[-] The Return

[-] Dramman Aftermath

Habololy Website

[-] Habololy Wiki

[-] Errata

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Blood Bowl

[-] The Online Game

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