Habololy Concepts > Domain

Treetop's Domains

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I had a thought about making a vision domain, filled with all things that helped with ranged combat and sight.

Darkvision, Low-light vision, Eagle Eye, True Seeing, etc.


--- Quote from: Hero on February 16, 2012, 10:24:00 PM ---Might be able to make "combat" general enough to apply to any weapon, fist, sword, or bow. Let me think on it.

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I think so far the combat one works

I don't like Glory for him. While he played a part in the defeat of the spider queen it was just a part and not something that is really in his core.

Plant, Animal, Community, Weapons


--- Quote from: whitesword on February 20, 2012, 11:31:22 AM ---I don't like Glory for him. While he played a part in the defeat of the spider queen it was just a part and not something that is really in his core.

Plant, Animal, Community, Weapons

--- End quote ---

So  is it Plant, Animal, Community, Martial/Combat, Vision?

Treetop is proving a tricky one, but Plant and Animal are definite.

I am leaning towards a vision / ranged domain.

We are building the Community / Family one, so I don't know if that will make sense for him.

With the Ranged / Vision feat, I don't know if Martial / Combat will be needed.

Zunder, as the ranking cleric of Treetop, look at the master list and see if there are others you think work.


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