Author Topic: A Gelatinous Ladder to the Rescue  (Read 366 times)

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A Gelatinous Ladder to the Rescue
« on: July 18, 2023, 11:43:55 PM »
Recap for Windblade.
The hand that rolls the Dice rules the world.

Offline Malchia

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Re: A Gelatinous Ladder to the Rescue
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2023, 08:03:30 AM »

*Disclaimer: This won't be my best recap since I was highly distracted by failed technology last night and wasn't paying as close attention as usual. Please correct anything that isn't accurate.

We picked up with the group, minus Beorn, making their way out of the artifact room through a maintenance hatch in the grated floor and getting to the door on the 19th floor. We gathered our wits, drank some healing potions, and proceeded forward. Upon opening the door, we were met with the crackling of energy and the smell of ozone as a lightning bolt came streaking toward us. We scattered as best we could, but most were at least partially damaged in the blast. It was at that point that the security wizard and warrior demanded we bring the president out and release him to them. We refused and, shortly after, the mayor (Gavin) was stabbed in the back by the rogue who snuck up behind us through a window. After the blow, Gavin fell to the floor and tumbled out of harms way. By doing so, we no longer had the president within the confines of the anti-magic field.

Meanwhile, back in the city district, Beorn was searching for a shrine to Drunbar and was led to the "multi-temple" where an assortment of faithful from many different deities rotate between shifts due to limited real estate in Crazyrock. He met with a follower of Lancin who was manning the shrine at the time. They hit it off and Beorn convinced him to join him in investigating the loud crackling energy noise they both heard nearby.

Back at the 19th floor showdown, things weren't going well for the group. People were in the middle of another fight when we tried to get out of the same window the rogue snuck into. Using a ladder set by the rogue, (can't remember Hero's character name, sorry...) started to descend but was stopped by the warrior Elf. We were trapped with very few options. It was then Beorn and the cleric arrived. The warrior and Beorn engaged in a stand-off ending in Beorn challenging the warrior to single combat and flying in to a rage. The Elf laughed off the pathetic Dwarf's attempt at valor and face planted him to the floor. He then proceeded up the ladder. Seeing this, Hero brilliantly used his innate abilities to metamorph the ladder into a gelatinous cube which engulfed the warrior. The Elf, being trapped within the cube, was then unable to properly defend against Beorn's renewed attacks. He began whaling away with the flat end of the battle axe in an attempt to beat him into unconsciousness.

Beorn's pitiful attacks weren't enough to subdue the Elf, so Hero jumped out the window and onto his pet cube that he used as a cushion. With spectacular flair, he bounced off the cube and onto his feet with the harpoon poised to attack. The Elf broke free of the cube's grasp and attempted to attack again, but lost grip of his glaive. Hero then skewered him with the harpoon and brought him down to one knee where he surrendered to us.

Meanwhile, up one floor where the others were, the president's mind control overtook him now that Gavin was no longer protecting him with the anti-magic gem. The president declared he was leaving us and going with the security group back to his safehouse. While raising his hands in surrender, he dropped a piece of paper and backed out of the room. After he left, a wall of stone appeared in front of the door that blocked us off from Kai and the president. The security group managed to escape with the president and Kai, being outnumbered, returned the crossbow to the rogue before he left.

After the melee ended, Ryder showed up with reinforcements and offered to take the Elf away for questioning. We asked a few questions first, stripped him of his magic items, then they took him away. Before doing so, Frederick handed Ryder the piece of paper the president dropped and he and Gavin deciphered it to be the security clearance code for the island's defenses. After that, Mugrin had the foresight to hire a runner and have the Elf's security badge, which was also magic, taken down to the docks and placed out of sight in case the others could use it as a tracking device. 

We then devised a plan to meet somewhere relatively safe and discuss a new plan since freeing the president's mind was no longer an option. Gavin said he wanted us to move on to something else, so he asked us to pinpoint the Illusionist who is posing as a generic Gnome and bring him to justice. We all agreed to the course correction and met with a shady broker who knew Gavin and arranged for us to receive an item capable of detecting the Gnome. We paid him 1000 GP for the device and took it back to our rendezvous point. After that, we went to the pawn shop to have all our items identified and sold. We left off in the middle of negotiations with the pawn broker when we stopped for the night. The next step is to meet at our secret location and figure out what to do once we identify the Illusionist.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2023, 08:10:16 AM by Malchia »

Offline Zunder

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Re: A Gelatinous Ladder to the Rescue
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2023, 01:14:47 PM »
800xp and 100 for the recap!