W. G. Clickersmith (Wingnston Gnoah Clickersmith) aka Gnoah would curiously be asking questions of anyone and everyone who would speak with him. However, after hearing the news of Melodi he is very somber and quiet throughout the night.
Cloud takes the time to rest and recover. I assume my spell book is in my bag of holding. Once I wake up in the morning I take the time to test my first spell and bring Nova (my familiar) back from the elemental plane of air.
Then Cloud explains his journey where he has been and what he knows.
"For many years I have taken the time to study and read the stars in the sky. This allows me to gain much knowledge about the state of Habololy and sometimes glimpses into the future. After doing this I knew I must travel up into the sky and leave Habololy to visit the stars and other worlds. I traveled to one of the worlds called Nubis. Nubis is a world made mostly of air and cloud. (Cloud goes on a short tangent about how wonderful Nubis is). Anyway back to my story, I traveled to this world to continue to learn as much as I can about the skies and the air and the stars and planets. (Cloud goes on a tangent to explain what planets are and how they travel around the suns and that Habololy is one of 9).
I spent many years on Nubis learning and gaining considerable knowledge. During my times there I learned about the deities of Nubis. Some of the deities of Habololy are known on this worlds Statis, Falan, Compture, Taivas Valtias to name a few. The world is also ruled by creatures who must not be named and storm and cloud giants. During my time there I found out that Stronmous was planning an attack on Habololy. So using powerful magic, I traveled back to Habololy. Unfortunately it is not possible to teleport between worlds so it was a long journey and now it appears that Stronmous, being a deity, had the means to arrive here more quickly then me and apparently he was able to start his siege of Habololy well ahead of my warning. The last I thing I remember is arriving at Habololy and then everything went blank. I then work up in the streets with shackles on.
Now that the Raven is here I must be one of his prime targets because he knows with the power of the Raven we can stop the awful events from ever happening."