Update based on the current timeline. The next seas campaign starts in the 10th month of 788, so approximately 270 days have passed since Natsu received the first crafting order from the corsairs. Reducing that by ~1 month for that false imprisonment nonsense, settlement negotiations, time spent rebuilding my reputation, and general R&R (Natsu deserves it, he works hard), let's call it an elapsed 230 days of crafting time.
Here's the status based on that schedule:
Complete items
Chase: armor, rapier, boots, circlet, gauntlets, gloves, cloak, bag, crystal; 194,400 gc; 8,000 xp
Kasai: gloves, cloak, bag; 47,900 gc; 2,014 xp
Wake: bow; 9,500 gc; 570 xp
Falcon: bow, token; 19,100 gc; 902 xp
Rin: effigy, collar; 73,500 gc; 2,680 xp
In progress items
Rin: eye (paid in advance if you're leaving town, included above)
If anyone needs a reminder on details for a particular item, let me know. The details of Chase's armor might exceed the character count allowed by this forum for a post.