There is definitely something to be said for what you are getting it. However, if we were ever to consider 5th edition, there are rules that I would require adding or changing. The best example would be the spell failure in armor. So what I am looking for are rules that fall into the category of we might as well change because playtesting with them gives us a false read since we would never play that way anyway. Again, spell failure in armor is a good example. If we playtested where wizards could cast in armor, and then went forward and they couldn't, that would give us a false result and also mess with any continuity we tried to achieve.
5th edition in general is simplified from 3.5; and from what I see too much for my liking. I am trying to minimize the adding of rules. For armor, I don't have any issue with leaving no change in movement and keeping the strength requirement...although if I were to do it how I thought, there would be both.