General Category > End of the Era

Fate of the Characters

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Ok he just becomes a grump old hermit that lives in city (or in the mountains if he has to) until the war is over.

Parker Berko: Parker fights against any and all forces of Iott.  He sees their attempts at world domination/control as a major obstacle to his business ventures.  The fact that they hoard any/all magical items of significant power really grates on his nerves as an entrepreneur.  Plus, they've tried to kill him on several occasions.

Adeladisa (Dissa) Pruval: TBD She continues to work against the Grean government and the forces of i don't remember....

Scratch: He continues to fight against the Unseele if he can find them, when Akrak is finally brought down, or the Gnolls are decimated by the forces of scalehome, he becomes a mercenary and travels the world.

Grant Helodan: Grant returns to the forrest, fighting the forces of Iott when they oppose the Coalition.  He will extol the virtues of Tyrogatore and the strength of his faithful.  He eventually becomes the Keeper of the Arts for his Emenote fighting style

Korda:  He fights Iott because he liks to punch things and it is now socially acceptable to punch people from Iott really hard.

Marcus Stormlight:  Marcus fights for the Iotians seeing that the 'non-powered' are seeking to destroy all powerful magics.  he completely drinks the Kool-aid, for a while.  He is pompous enough to only become involved in battles where the Iotians are clearly outmatched and with his magics, turn the tide and route the non-powered forces.  Once he realizes that Iott is more for world domination than protecting magic, he removes himself from their service and influence.  After that, he does not help Iott, but neither does he fight against them.

Owen Brisbane:  Owen spends much of the conflict scamming one side or the other.  His 'forged' magic item schemes go unnoticed for years.  He knows the Iotians are scouring every nook and cranny of Habololy for magic items and have deep pockets.  He knows the other side is desperate  for any advantage they can get against Iott.  and He knows Illusion magic hasn't been affected like most of the rest...  He eventually crosses paths with Parker and some truely legendary shenanigans ensue...

Saren Thatcher:  Saren fights against the oppression of Iott.  He protects any community that falls under Iotts ire in his travels.

Traguna and Tregorum:  The twins bide their time and use the war to increase the coffers of the guild.  They quickly become known as efficient smugglers on both sides of the conflict and earn considerable coin outside of regular guild activities.

Tolan:  Tolan stays mostly to himself after his abrupt return to the Grean republic.  He keeps as far away as he can from the major cities and military installations where he may be recognized.  He  finds works as a blacksmith and secretly continues his bladelord training.  He eventually corsses paths with the Unwanted and mentors some of their members.  Never officially joining their cause.  He defends the community he lives in if the Iotians appear, but otherwise stays out of the war if he can.

Uleric Firepeak: As a member of the constables, he defends the people and city from attack as he is ordered.

Valdis Drac'Orden:  Valdis continues to sail the seas.  Either hunting pirates or providing escort for trade ships with the crew of the Guardian or his own vessel.

I think all the owners of the Guardian should weigh in on what they want the ship to do.  Nathan plans to keep his share as an owner of the Guardian but he plans to use the crown of air to work on converting the giants to Lakius's faith.  So he will not be on the ship very much unless needed for a really important mission.  Nathan thinks the ship should continue to be used as a Corsair ship and fight against pirates.  I think Amare (sp?) should continue to be captain and have a large amount of say into what the ship does as long as it keeps on target with the ships overall purpose.  Nathan will continue to protect the ship and if anyone tries to steal it or use it for nefarious purpose then they will faith the full wraith of Nathan and the Crown of Air. Nathan's share of the spoils from the Guardian will go towards his efforts to convert the giants.


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