Rogues of Port Talp > Sophomore Heists

No Masking the Accomplishment

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--- Quote from: Zunder on October 13, 2015, 12:21:41 PM ---
I can definitely craft the beast myself.  This might ruin any stealth I had before.

--- End quote ---

You consider a goblin followed around by a $#!+-filled cart pulled by boars to be stealthy?

Could make the manti-boar medium sized by applying a template...would reduce strength by 4 and hp by 10. Everything else stays the same though. Also could bump HD up to 8, which would help a bit with attack bonus, hp, and saves.

So an 8HD dungeon-bred manticore effigy would have a market cost of 16,000 gc + 2,000 gc for the body. You can reduce the body cost by crafting it yourself using the standard craft rules. I can animate it for 14,400 gc, which is based on Natsu bearing the xp cost and excludes crafting the body.

So loot split from that last job:

* Tragorum, Traguna, Esme, House - 4500 gc
* Istven, Ganshuk, Schurk, Profit, Natsu, Ayva - 5833.33 gc


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