Astilan in 5th Edition > Making History part 2

Session 1 - A Long Way to Travel

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Luminescent fungus clings to the walls and ceiling, shedding a violet light.  The air is damp, chilly, and redolent with the odors of loam and decay.  A layer of earth, mixed with rotting vegetation and the remains of cave animals, covers the floor of the wide cavern.  Several varieties of mushroom and fungus grow of the detritus, as well as a few saplings.

The creatures you destroyed appear almost indistinguishable from the ground after they fall apart.

The room has four exits.  There is the vine covered shaft in the ceiling; the door you have closed that you saw ant-men on the other side of, the door to the right of that which you were going to go through first, and the natural opening to the left.  All doors standard human size, about three by six feet.  The natural opening is closer to ten by ten.  The ceiling is about ten feet up, and you climbing down thirty feet of tunnel and vines.

Looking up, you do not see anyone at the top, nor hear and noises from the Kenku you saw up there.  Your paid guide helps you barricade the door, and seems to suggest doing the same to the other.  It then watches the opening intently from a place of cover in the room; which is roughly 60 x 60 feet.

Out of curiosity, how much xp was that session worth if you were awarding it normally?


--- Quote from: Hero on January 14, 2015, 07:26:33 PM ---Out of curiosity, how much xp was that session worth if you were awarding it normally?

--- End quote ---

Combat and non-combat challenges included, you would have gotten 104 xp each, that's for 6 of you.  300 is 2nd level.


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