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Messages - Hero

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 161
Current total is 45 ability score points amongst 5 characters. That’s ~18 lesser restorations and rising.

Post your damage taken and I will update the table so we can learn total ability damage that needs to be healed.

Hero, much much had Ada and Terkus taken?
Str   Dex   Con   Int   Wis   Cha   
Ada-1 0-4 0 0-1
Terlus-8-3-6 0 0 0
Yoshi 0 0 0 0 0-3
Gareth 0 -7 0 0 0 0
Akra ? ? ? ? ? ?
Pastor Oz 0 0 0 0-8-4
Evil(?) Wizard Os    ? ? ? ? ? ?
Jesse ? ? ? ? ? ?
Taye ? ? ? ? ? ?

Yoshi can convert his 2 remaining 2nd level slots and 1 3rd level slot to Lesser Restorations. Need 10 min. So 3 total. Restore 1d4 to 1 ability score per casting. 2 go to Pastor Oz. 1  to Terlus.

Out Into the World / Re: Did We Learn Anything?
« on: April 11, 2024, 06:47:07 PM »
If Yoshi would like to ask his Divinations on the boards that would save time in game.
This would be the Divination spell ( We get one question “concerning a specific goal, event, or activity that is to occur within one week.” 80% chance to successfully get a piece of useful advice in a format that can be a direct or cryptic. I will know if it fails.

Since I only have enough materials to do this once, I’ll ask the group for input on the question before casting. To lead off discussion, I propose: “How do we safely return to Melg in the Orcish Empire on the main continent of Habololy in our appropriate place in the timeline?”

Feedback and suggestions welcome. I would hope we don’t have to worry about deliberate misinformation or trickery in response since Yoshi is a cleric asking his deity for advice to support a mission that the Old Orc wants to be successful. Unless of course the gopher of lost knowledge is interfering.

Out Into the World / Re: A Where Are They Mystery
« on: April 04, 2024, 06:59:39 PM »
You find no weapons or armor, some shredded clothing made of leather.  The ground is loose where they came out of it.
I sift through the loose dirt too.

Out Into the World / Re: A Where Are They Mystery
« on: April 04, 2024, 01:08:27 PM »
Yoshi takes 20 (total 25) to search the area where the orc skeletons came from. Looking for any of their former belongings that might provide a clue as to where/when we are. A coin with a year stamped on it, a military insignia, etc.

Out Into the World / Re: Paranoia Growing
« on: March 20, 2024, 10:48:06 AM »

Did Yoshi’s back up boot vial also get dumped?

Out Into the World / Re: The Longest Night
« on: March 19, 2024, 02:25:48 PM »
Yes. We now know the strategy of our enemy, and should adjust our preparations to match. Protection against projectiles. Resistance to cold and fear. Spells to combat darkness. Divinations to locate a person.Defense against summoned creatures.
Fellow divine casters, the following could be helpful in an encounter with the Gopher:
  • Locate Object (3rd) to pinpoint his location (used on his crossbow, which we should be familiar with)
  • Spiritual Weapon (2nd), when paired with Locate Object, will indicate position to everyone
  • Mass Conviction (3rd) to defend against memory loss and fear
  • Mass Resist Energy (3rd) to defend against cold spells
  • Dispel Magic (3rd) to get rid of lingering spell effects
  • Wieldskill (1st) to get a bonus on Escape Artist checks when grappled
  • Obscuring Mist (1st) or Wind Wall (3rd) for defense against ranged attacks (though neither are mobile)
  • Daylight (3rd) for combating darkness

A lot of potentially useful 3rd level spells. Yoshi can prepare 2, which will be Dispel Magic and Locate Object. Can anyone cover some other 3rd level?

Also for consideration Daylight, Cloak of Bravery and Magic Circle would also be useful, but no available capacity.

Out Into the World / Re: The Longest Night
« on: March 14, 2024, 10:45:56 PM »
Taye, can you contact Vechi?

Out Into the World / Re: The Longest Night
« on: March 13, 2024, 04:32:26 PM »
Since I'm completely out of spells, including cantrips, I thank Lohren for his hospitality and try to get my 8 hours. Before drifting off to sleep, I confer with my fellow Clerics on spell strategy for the next day. "My friends, should we focus again on Transmutation or do you feel a new strategy is in order with an assassin on our trail? I'd hate to put Lohren and his family at any more risk than they already are."
Yes. We now know the strategy of our enemy, and should adjust our preparations to match. Protection against projectiles. Resistance to cold and fear. Spells to combat darkness. Divinations to locate a person.Defense against summoned creatures.

Out Into the World / Re: Gopher of Lost Knowledge
« on: March 01, 2024, 09:25:49 AM »
Yoshi chooses his words carefully so everyone hopefully remembers the theme of the message: “The journey back to Melg will be perilous. The gopher will return.”

DM, please redact as necessary.

Out Into the World / Re: Gopher of Lost Knowledge
« on: March 01, 2024, 09:22:26 AM »
So the words are still written but we just forget everytime we read it?
Yoshi’s personal notes are usually written in Horarian because it’s more elegant and space efficient than common.

Out Into the World / Re: Gopher of Lost Knowledge
« on: February 28, 2024, 08:56:19 PM »
Didn't Yoshi start writing some of these incidences down.  I thought we discussed that in session. What happens when we read.  Can you write down what you heard from the voice?
I’ve been documenting everything for my memoirs.

Out Into the World / Re: Gopher of Lost Knowledge
« on: February 28, 2024, 12:26:02 PM »
What did Yoshi hear the disembodied voice say?

I’ll share it with the group, but guessing they probably won’t remember.

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