Rogues of Port Talp > The Gneon Job

50 Shades of Esme Go to the Gala Event

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--- Quote from: Hero on May 22, 2017, 10:56:34 PM ---You speak true. I did not mean that every barmaid should be armed with a necklace of fireballs. That would be chaos. But there are simple magics that would improve life for many. No family should suffer the harsh cold of an Icefian winter when a statue of elemental endurance can be made to keep them all warm. Food can be made to last longer. Homes built faster and stronger. City guards made more skilled to keep the streets safe from criminals. Don't the people of Habololy deserve that?

And more importantly, finding new methods of fabricating more affordable items makes them more affordable for everyone. So even the wealthy can have more. For instance, I am in the process of making the most wonderfully ridiculous and expensive suit of armor for that strikingly handsome drow over there for 60% of the price that others may have charged for it. So he commissioned additional items with the money he saved. He wins because he is better equipped, and I win because it made me a heap of gold coins.

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Thanks for selling out Chase.  That's just great...


--- Quote from: Asinjin on May 22, 2017, 10:32:31 PM ---"Interesting.  I agree with you on the stagnation.  It is a problem I have remedied in my tenure as Marshall and a problem that Great Kallark does not have.

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Can you expand on how the problem was "remedied"?


--- Quote from: Asinjin on May 22, 2017, 09:41:01 AM ---He is less flourishy.  "I would agree to such a discussion.  Before I leave the city, we will talk.  Where should I go to call upon you?"

--- End quote ---
Reminder that we still need to do this.


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