Rogues of Port Talp > The Gneon Job

50 Shades of Esme Go to the Gala Event

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Starting with xp.  With so many characters, xp will be all over the place all season.

Ayva - 650

Vincent - 400

Remy - 400

Schurke - 300

Prophit - 550

Tragorum and Tragona - 450 each

Istvan - 400

Ganshuk - 150

Gnickle - 250

Natsu - 600

The gala is held on the 16th day of the 4th month of 788.

For Natsu, t = 0 day is the 25th of the 3rd month of 788.

The star of the gala is without a doubt Marshall Lyla.  She spends eights hours working the event and talking to everyone of note, and everyone wants to talk to her.

As described last night, she is beauty without rival to all races.  To Natsu, and those with notable wisdom and intelligence, the beauty is certainly manufactured to a point.

Her brightest moment comes around 10pm, four hours after the event started, when she takes to the college balcony and announces:

"Thank you, thank you for turning out tonight for the fabulous gala event.  I want to thank the duke, the mayors, the clerics of Tfop, the college dean, the gathered ladies and lords of the city, esteemed merchants, clerics of the other varies faiths of Port Talp, and all of you."  She spreads her arms out in a queenly gesture.  He is near impossible to take your eyes off of as shes speaks, and again it is clear that magics are enhancing her performance.

"Tonight, I announce a new alliance on Habololy.  The nation of Iott recognizes the need for our presence in the world and I will fill that need by joining with the Destroytian Republic and Port Talp in their war against Kathow-tio-Horari."  There are applause from most.  The Horarian contingent is aghast.  "Let it be said that I and Iott are considerate.  For that reason, I give the Horarians one month to end the blockade and end the war.  After that time, if they have not met our demands, I will engage the full power of Iott as has not been seen before to defeat them."  There are applause from the crowd.

Lyla continues to talk.  Her speech is elegant and moving.  She heaps praise on individuals and talks up the greatness of Iott.  When it ends, the horarians and her have a discussion.

If there is anyone you want to interact with, let me know.  As I said, almost everyone who is anyone in Port Talp is here.


--- Quote from: Asinjin on May 19, 2017, 11:14:54 AM ---If there is anyone you want to interact with, let me know.  As I said, almost everyone who is anyone in Port Talp is here.

--- End quote ---
Does The Collector make an appearance during this event?


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