The Great Plateau > A New Grimhold

It Was a Very Good Plan

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For a quality plan executed well that almost worked, everyone gets 500xp.

In addition, for the battle:

Rathos gets another 500.
Everyone else gets another 900.

Bonus xp for a recap for Owen.


We followed through with the plan that Cordero set in motion.  Our courier went to see Hognus' show with the fake pilot schematics in tow, all the while remaining visible to whoever may be watching.  He made his way to the hotel we used as our rendezvous point and delivered the plans to Cordero, who we used as our "pilot."

The group followed and watched the entire time the messenger was at the show and during his walk to the hotel.  Rathos took to the rooftops and perched himself above Cordero's room.  Arken and Larissa waited outside and Owen used his floating disk to rise out of sight.

After a while, a bat flew by the roof and fluttered around Cordero's window.  Larissa sent her psicrystal up to check on Cordero and Rathos communicated to it that there was some activity.  Those outside noticed a Gnome walk in the hotel and shortly after things got ugly.

Unknown to those outside, Cordero found himself being woken up by getting choked with a bag over his head.  He tried to fight off the attacker, but was overpowered.  He ended up throwing his axe threw the window which acted as an alarm.  Rathos saw what was happening, told the psicrystal so that Larissa would know, then dove through the open window to try and save Cordero.     

Larissa aported into the room and Arken entered the building on foot, warhammer drawn.  Once in the room, she saw Cordero being held by his head above the ground by a large, furry, three-eyed, horned beast.  It was poised to press its thumbs into Cordero's eye sockets.  Artemus got a good sneak attack in on the assailant, but it didn't seem to phase it.  Larissa tried to stop it with psionic abilities, but the fight was going poorly.

Outside in the hallway, near the staircase leading to the room, Arken was suddenly accosted by 4 giant wasps that appeared to be summoned in front of him.  He pulled out his psionically charged rockshot and blasted them back to whatever plane of existence they came from.  Shortly after, Larissa aported next to him in the hallway looking beat up and explaining what was happening to Cordero. 

Meanwhile, in the room, Rathos and Cordero were fighting to stay alive and avoid grapple attempts when the beast scared Rathos and he was forced to flee out the window.  Cordero was alone and near death.

At that time, the gnome who entered the building appeared and invisibly snuck a dagger into Arken's kidney.  The blow was near fatal, but Arken managed to stumble through the attack.  The gnome took out a wand and summoned giant centipedes.  Arken and Larissa defended the hallway as best as they could, but were quickly fading until Larissa summoned a psionic construct and used some nifty powers to destroy the creatures.  We took the fight to the gnome, but he changed into a displacer beast, kicked our asses, then withdrew to the outside of the building.

Rathos eventually regained his cool and went back to assist Cordero.  Again he found him in a gruesome choke hold, and again he snuck him with deadly accuracy.  This time the creature felt it as Rathos' weapon slid out of it's gut dripping with silver blood.  It tossed Cordero out the window.

The fight eventually took us outside where Cordero recovered from the assault.  We all faced off against the beast who was now invisible, when out of nowhere, Rathos was struck by a devastating electrically charged blast.  He fell to the ground and as left for dead.  The rest of us engaged the two, but the gnome/displacer beast got its tentacles around Arken and brought him to the brink of death.  Cordero managed to squeeze off a magic missile and Larissa held her own.  The beast was preparing to finish us off when Rathos popped back up off the ground and landed a killing blow...or so we thought.  The creature turned to purple mist and floated away.  The gnome avoided attacks thanks to his displacer beast form and withdrew into the city.  After the assault, the constables showed up and started firing weapons at some of the summoned creatures still around, like a giant flaming bird.  We picked up our broken bodies and fled back to our HQ to avoid the authorities. 

Flash forward to the current timeline...       


--- Quote from: Malchia on June 14, 2019, 08:23:25 AM ---Recap:

We followed through with the plan that Cordero set in motion.  Our currier went to see Hognus' show with the fake pilot schematics in tow, all the while remaining visible to whoever may be watching.  He made his way to the hotel we used as our rendezvous point and delivered the plans to Cordero, who we used as our "pilot."

The group followed and watched the entire time the messenger was at the show and during his walk to the hotel.  Artemus took to the rooftops and perched himself above Cordero's room.  Arken and Larissa waited outside and Owen used his floating disk to rise out of sight.

After a while, a bat flew by the roof and fluttered around Cordero's window.  Larissa sent her psicrystal up to check on Cordero and Artemus communicated to it that there was some activity.  Those outside noticed a Gnome walk in the hotel and shortly after things got ugly.

Unknown to those outside, Cordero found himself being woken up by getting choked with a bag over his head.  He tried to fight off the attacker, but was overpowered.  He ended up throwing his axe threw the window which acted as an alarm.  Artemus saw what was happening, told the psicrystal so that Larissa would know, then dove through the open window to try and save Cordero.     

Larissa aported into the room and Arken entered the building on foot, warhammer drawn.  Once in the room, they both saw Cordero being held by his head above the ground by a large, furry, three-eyed, horned beast.  It was poised to press its thumbs into Cordero's eye sockets.  Artemus got a good sneak attack in on the assailant, but it didn't seem to phase it.  Larissa tried to stop it with psionic abilities, but the fight was going poorly.

Outside in the hallway, near the staircase leading to the room, Arken was suddenly accosted by 4 giant bugs that appeared to be summoned in front of him.  He pulled out his psionically charged rockshot and blasted them back to whatever plane of existence they came from.  Shortly after, Larissa aported next to him in the hallway looking beat up and explaining what was happening to Cordero. 

Meanwhile, in the room, Artemus and Cordero were fighting to stay alive and avoid grapple attempts when the beast scared Artemus and he was forced to flee out the window.  Cordero was alone and near death.

At that time, the gnome who entered the building appeared and invisibly snuck a dagger into Arken's kidney.  The blow was near fatal, but Arken managed to stumble through the attack.  The gnome took out a wand and summoned giant centipedes.  Arken and Larissa defended the hallway as best as they could, but were quickly fading until Larissa summoned a psionic construct and used some nifty powers to destroy the creatures.  We took the fight to the gnome, but he changed into a displacer beast, kicked our asses, then withdrew to the outside of the building.

Artemus eventually regained his cool and went back to assist Cordero.  Again he found him in a gruesome choke hold, and again he snuck him with deadly accuracy.  This time the creature felt it as Artemus' weapon slid out of it's gut dripping with silver blood.  It tossed Cordero out the window.

The fight eventually took us outside where Cordero recovered from the assault.  We all faced off against the beast who was now invisible, when out of nowhere, Artemus was struck by a devastating electrically charged blast.  He fell to the ground and as left for dead.  The rest of us engaged the two, but the gnome/displacer beast got its tentacles around Arken and brought him to the brink of death.  Cordero managed to squeeze off a magic missile and Larissa held her own.  The beast was preparing to finish us off when Artemus popped back up off the ground and landed a killing blow...or so we thought.  The creature turned to purple mist and floated away.  The gnome avoided attacks thanks to his displacer beast form and withdrew into the city.  After the assault, the constables showed up and started firing weapons at some of the summoned creatures still around, like a giant flaming bird.  We picked up our broken bodies and fled back to our HQ to avoid the authorities. 

Flash forward to the current timeline...     

--- End quote ---

75xp for the extensive recap

What happens with Owen? I need closure!


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