Seas of Habololy > Second Voyage of the Guardian of the Tide

You Were Hoping for...Daane

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Yes.  It is nice to have a contact in Phiam in case anything happens and there are investigations like there were here.

I also contact the high cleric of Lakius to have him official put me on a mission to investigate and purge the temples of Lakius of any evil outsiders.  They when we do go into port we can let the authorities know of the churches mission.


--- Quote from: Windblade on January 11, 2019, 11:28:59 AM ---Yes.  It is nice to have a contact in Phiam in case anything happens and there are investigations like there were here.

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"The temple is The Shipwright's Hall, and its devoted to crafting more than magic.  The cleric in charge there is Barrington Claywall.  I will send him and let him know you are coming."


--- Quote from: Asinjin on January 11, 2019, 12:16:49 AM ---XP for whoever gives Master Po the recap.

--- End quote ---
After rescuing Manlow and filling in the constables, Sas managed to charm the dock warden and arrange a special meeting to discuss the details of the tentacle attack.  After our meeting, we set forth to meet with the high cleric of Smofarf.  He welcomed us and we filled him in on all that we experienced up to this point. 

He told us that Claude's wish was too broad a request and that it was possible the gods or some other power could've interfered somehow.  Due to the nature of the creation power involved with the wish, the cleric said he believed the imposter Claude's were likely temporary and possibly constructs of some sort.

As far as the tentacles are concerned, he told us there were attacks in the past that were linked to an extremist group know as The Day Turned Dark.  He said they were trying to bring powers from the lower planes to Habololy and were using ways to manipulate peoples memories.  The only reason he is able to retain any memories is because he reviews the files and studies the details of the DTD almost every day.  He's not sure we'll be able to retain the details of our conversation, but we made notes and sent some people to make sure we have things in motion in case we forget.  We made it a point to stop at all the major temples of Lakius and confront whatever evil might be there.  That's our next mission.

When back at the ship, we arranged to swap docks with another ship in order to be closer to the temple.  During night shift, Chase and the rest of the crew were surprised by an invisible Frost Giant that snuck onboard and demanded we give up the imposter Claude.  We tried to reason with him but were forced to confront him.  Chase stole his spells and reduced it to a meager Dwarf.  He fled to the sea and Sas chased him down.  Sas charmed him and brought him onboard.  When presented with the other fake Claude, the two started to go at it.  We separated them and threw them into different cells. 

That's where we left off.  We're on our way to Phiam to see the cleric of Lakius and purge any evil that may be there.  I believe the cleric of Smofarf mentioned that the cleric in Phiam was resurrected about six years ago, but there's no details on what happened other than a possible tentacle attack.  This info was only known because of the Cleric's daily review of DTD details.

50xp for the recap.


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