Falan / Pacyr Campaign > Return to the Plateau

More Along the Lines of What They Expected


To start with experience (differences just for level difference)

Sly - for a useful Web and other spells - 3200

Artemus - for Hulk smashing power and holy light - 2100

Harrick - for undead destroying spells - 1900

Gnevil - for a claymore and a backpack of lightning - 1900

Marston - for four weapons of undead destruction - 1900

If you got a level, please message me and let me know what level you took.


--- Quote from: Asinjin on April 25, 2014, 10:32:05 AM ---If you got a level, please message me and let me know what level you took.

--- End quote ---

Gots me one last round.. 3rd level Mystic Theurge


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