Great Forest Campaign > The Escalation of War

Unzatisfying Victory

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--- Quote from: Asinjin on February 01, 2018, 11:22:33 AM ---- rod, minor abjuration, divine, Counsil, neutral good, greater
- potion, conjuration, divine, Counsil, Chaotic Good, lesser
- ioun stone, minor divination, divine, Counsil, Neutral Good, greater
- broach, minor abjuration, divine, Counsil, Neutral Good, greater
- potion, minor transmutation, divine, Counsil Neutral Good, greater
- boots, minor transmutation, divine, Counsil, Chaotic Neutral, lesser
- oil, enough for 8 applications, enchantment, divine, Neutral Good, greater

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Haas will experiment with the rod and the ioun stone.


--- Quote from: Hero on July 04, 2018, 10:57:02 PM ---Haas will experiment with the rod and the ioun stone.

--- End quote ---

The rod is meant to be stuck in the ground and you gather provides some protection in an area around it.  What exactly it protets against you can't say.

The ioun stone allow you to see invisible.


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