The Great Plateau > A New Grimhold

Hired by Gneon Again

(1/11) > >>

Experience to start (keep in mind everyone is a different level):

Rathos - for bouncing around and attacking with crazy skilled tumbles and jumps - 1100

Owen - for clever use of illusion and your rock carpet - 1350

Arken - for your beastly psychic shotgun - 1400

Cordero - for making 0 level spells useful - 1450

What do you do in the factory?

It is the 4th day of the 2nd month of 790

Achievement Unlocked: Mostly Useless - You have used all your 0 level spells in a single encounter and weren't completely useless.

Owen is battered and bruised.
"That went so much better last time." He limps over and shuts the door, locks it, and then heads back to the stairs.  "Hopefully there are some healing potions up here (pointing upwards).  I will not survive another encounter like that.  We really need to come up with a basic fighting strategy.  My little trick worked, but I don't expect to work again."


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