Great Forest Campaign > Another Year of War

The Lord Commander

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Thank you, 40xp for the recap.

A note that as we continue the thread here, the Maker of War thread now has posting xp at the end of it...don't miss out.

Oh.. after the commotion subsided, the commander said he was coming down to talk, not seeming to be rebellious at all.  He said he would tell us the truth.. the truth told to him by Tox and Razk.


Liam asks Vor'Ruk, "How do you want to handle your orcs?  For now, if they enter, I will require them to dismount and disarm."

He at first talks to you in the murder hall.  He is in there alone with you and any of the other who walked into it.  You are not sure how he got in there without the gate behind him being raised.


--- Quote from: Asinjin on January 06, 2017, 12:36:37 AM ---The day you parley with the Lord Commander is the 5th day of the 3rd month of 788.

--- End quote ---

A note that the Great Forest War Campaign has now caught up to the Seas Campaign in timeline and they are both the furthest along as it applies to the timeline.  This is two in game years since the wizards first left Habololy (not their rescue).


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