Astilan in 5th Edition > Astilan


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I will list here deities that everyone knows exists, are detail how they are different...or in the case of new ones, new detail.  Again, I am trying to be not very in depth.

Dedestroyt is the most similar in existence on Astilan as on Habololy.

The only change is the near world wide legend that the Halflings brought death (and Dedestroyt) to the world.

Habastly is very similar.  The his faith is less involved in anything not-nature oriented on Astilan.

Tyrogatore is very similar.  Since there are no deity judges, his worship is not as widespread and he is not worshiped as a judge.  He is the patron of the Tryrogs and the Marchikalea (dinosaurs).  He is the patron of unarmed combat, but not universally monks.

Tommimao is similar as well.  The main difference is what he is worshipped for is almost entirely travel.  That doesn't mean he doesn't also have his other aspects, only that they are little known or not a concern of the peoples.


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