Astilan in 5th Edition > Astilan

The Creatures

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All of you know of the existence of the Marchikalea, or dinosaurs.  Different types are common in different places, but all characters will have seen them in his life.

The Tyrogs were once called Frushochikalea, but after repeated beatings of those that referred to them as such, their preferred name of Tyrog has been commonly adopted.  This second part is knowledge only some of your characters would have.

Only ones of huge and smaller sizes exist (or at least that is what all of you believe or have seen).

None of you have ever seen the following, and is debatable whether you would have heard of them or not:

- Goblin
- Orc
- Hobgoblin
- Bugbear

The most common non-insects in the world are the following:

 - Cats (although almost exclusively those the size of a bobcat and smaller)
 - Bats (there are many varieties and they take the place of many small birds in the ecosystem)
 - Hawks (smaller birds are generally replaced by bats and larger birds by flying dinosaurs, and hawks are the only common bird type)
 - Rats (there are many types and they are everywhere)
 - Spiders (there are many types and they are everywhere)

Some creatures that are less common than on Habololy

 - Dogs (there are almost none in the wild and only a few varieties that are kept)
 - Wolves (they exist, but in far fewer number than Habololy)
 - Horses, mules, ponies, and the like (are not common and few in variety)
 - Hippogriff and Griffon are rare
 - Pegasus do not exist

Some Creatures that do not exist:

- Monkeys, Apes, Baboons, etc
- Jackals, Hyena, etc
- Elephant, Rhino


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