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Messages - Asinjin

Pages: 1 ... 625 626 [627] 628 629 ... 633
"Yes, I think so.  Since she was taken to the shrine of Dedestroyt, can we assume that she was not a faithful person?  Or would it be worth our time to show this to the clerics in charge of the shrines and temples.  Hoping they remember her from services."

"We are allowed to speculate among ourselves, are we not?"

"There is also no evidence that he was paying her.  He may have been seeing her more traditionally."

"I'm just guessing here.  Just coming up with possibilities."

Once we are not in earshot of anyone but the four to six of us, I say,

"What is our best guess?  That Lord Stormmoon took on a lady Charlene?

He possibly paid her with the gem. 

The cook was either in on the arrangement or simply saw her come or go with the Lord.

Falce became jealous at the arrangement, that his 'girl' was seeing Lord Stormmoon.  He contacted his former or still employers, the Onice.  They killed Stormmoon on his behalf.  Or they gave him the means to kill Stormmoon.

She was killed because she figured out the connection between Falce, Stormmoon, and the Onice.

Falce went into hiding to avoid being used to unravel the plot to kill Stormmoon, either to simply save himself to to prevent the Onice from being implicated."

Do we get a full report on the last time anyone has seen a group of wugs in Phiam?

Do we get time off after our battle?

Are we fully healed by constable clerics?

DO they ask that we follow up the investigation since we were involved?

Constables of Icefia / Re: Persons of Interest and Interesting Persons
« on: October 16, 2011, 01:37:09 PM »
We should get descriptions from Cobis and the pawn shop owner.

Constables of Icefia / Re: Persons of Interest and Interesting Persons
« on: October 16, 2011, 12:36:21 PM »
How about asking some clients that we known visited there in the month she would have been there if they remember her?

Or perhaps, clothing merchants or pawn shops near to the Lady Luxuries?

Do the constables have a sketch artist that we can use to have a picture of her drawn?

Constables of Icefia / Re: Persons of Interest and Interesting Persons
« on: October 14, 2011, 03:17:15 PM »
Should we go there and ask if they remember an employee named Charlene?

How to  constables more familiar with the establishment think that visit would go over?

Constables of Icefia / Re: Persons of Interest and Interesting Persons
« on: October 14, 2011, 01:27:28 PM »
Who are the current owners?  When was the last time ownership changed?

Constables of Icefia / Re: Persons of Interest and Interesting Persons
« on: October 13, 2011, 11:12:12 PM »
We get a report on Lady Luxuries from the constables in its area to see what we can expect to find.

Constables of Icefia / Re: Persons of Interest and Interesting Persons
« on: October 13, 2011, 09:50:16 PM »
To my fellow constables, "What do we want to pursue now?  I don't think we should look for the dead woman.  Nor do I think going after the cane will help.  Perhaps now that Vassilli can read items, we can go to Stormmoon's home and review some."

Constables of Icefia / Re: Persons of Interest and Interesting Persons
« on: October 12, 2011, 01:02:10 PM »
I have written up a review of the last session on the campaign logs on the website.

Constables of Icefia / Re: Persons of Interest and Interesting Persons
« on: October 12, 2011, 12:25:27 PM »
Do we have to make a report to someone higher up every week, or month; on our progress?

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