Author Topic: A Royal Wedding  (Read 3728 times)

Offline whitesword

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A Royal Wedding
« on: July 27, 2013, 05:30:03 PM »

The wedding of Arion and Lira is announced only a week before the end of the year. Ordinarily it would be held in one of the great temples in Messada, depending on the faith of the bride. Because the Kingdom remains at war it will be held in the Castle, leading to great disappointment among the people, who have not seen the royal couple except during the chaos of the battle and its aftermath. Stories of Lira's kindness and beauty, and Arion's leap from the Castle wall into the battle have been told and retold throughout the nation.

As with Darscon's funeral dignitaries from around the world gather in Messada in the days before the attack. However, their numbers are fewer and in some cases of less stature. You (collectively) hear that the nations have a variety of reasons, or excuses, for the situation. The time of year and Icefian winter, that it is only six months since they were previously there, fear that they will alienate Yellowia (rumor of the king's displeasure with his sister's choice  has spread throughout the diplomatic community), fear of an attack such as occurred at the College reception, suspicion of Arion's legitimacy and finally just petulance that so few are invited to the actual ceremony.

The ceremony is small, for a royal wedding, with only 200  in attendance. You were led to believe that only Icefians would be present for the actual ceremony, but when you arrive you find several dignitaries already seated.

On Arion's side, seated a row behind his witnesses King Oliver, Asic Wintersend and Huthrim (who looks completely out of place and uncomfortable) is the Prince of Nomagrok Gunnar, First Sledgehammer. Beside him is Snella Firstice, the emissary of Gnarland. She looks so happy one would think her own child was being married. On Lira's side, behind her family (including the king) and witnesses, Queen Irene, Queen Samantha and Alara Gemblade, is the high king of the String Mountain Dwarves, who looks very happy to be here, a niece of the King of the Court of the Rose and Aianna Cadmurren of the Destroytian Republic. Elizabeth Toppin is also present but she is seated with the clergy. Finally, in the very back of the assembly, by his own request, is Sir Damon of the Frost Kingdom. His attempts to quietly follow the prayers to Stasis in the ceremony are both touching and comical.  Though not a foreigner, Escalon's presence draws notice from all and clearly makes some uncomfortable.  His aura of perfect white light extends barely an inch from his body but seems as if it should scorch everything and everyone around him.  As always he seems serene and unchanging.

Many of the remaining attendees are known to all of you: the lesser monarchs and their spouses, except those that are still comatose at the Guardian Temple, several high nobles with the same caveat, high ranking military officials, faculty from the College and clergy from many faiths and cults.  There are many that you do not recognize. Some are the children of the missing monarchs and high nobles, others are prominent people and the remainder are commoners, drawn at random to represent the people at the royal couple's insistence.

Following the ceremony a great banquet is planned. Strangely, it is held outside in the courtyard. This was a demand of Lira and it is clearly in the Yellowian style. Both magical and mundane fires, as well as areas of magically controlled temperature, keep the guests comfortable.

Before the reception is to begin an audience for the diplomats is held. The dwarven king is given the honor of speaking first and delivers an unimpressive congratulations followed by a not very subtle reminder of his long standing relationship with the royal family. He is followed by Snella, who effusively praises Stasis, the Kingdom, the couple and all who fought at the battle a few weeks past. She emphasizes the need to follow divine guidance and tradition and hopes that all good nations will cooperate against evil.

The representatives of the Court of the Rose, Pelmari Neuvotella and Lily Rosetree, the chief diplomat of the kingdom and the niece of the king respectively, present the couple with laurels of silver and petrified blue and white roses.  He talks about the two nations long standing good relationship and hopes that it will continue.

The prince of Nomagrok speaks next and gives a colorful speech about wedding nights and marriage, that makes the royal couple blush. He also mentions the role of his warriors in defending the Castle, with a look at the dwaren king.

 Aianna Cadmurren is scheduled to speak next and again gives a masterful speech but it is marred slightly by a herald who rushes in, clearly flustered and whispers to Michael Steelsmyth. He in turn, not very subtly, gestures to Nisoru, who leaves the room with Ari.  Aianna continues, expressing hope and success for the new couple and for their rule.  Her talk to the couple is filled with veiled and direct references to unions, partnerships, and the like.  She makes it clear in a way that is ever so diplomatic that the Republic hopes that the marriage to a Yellowian does not mean that the kingdom feels that Yellowia is a better match for the kingdom than the Republic, which at this time in history shares more values with Icefia than Yellowia does.  She speaks of many couples' weddings that she has been to in her many years, highlighting the best of those; mostly mostly are from the Republic.  She mentions also the terrible wedding traditions of the Horarians, which when performed at sea give no deference to the female; and how often brides are taken from their islands and off to sea never to see their families again. (Mouser quietly comments to Parker "I think that's the least diplomatic thing she's ever said, given the ten Horarian diplomats here.")  She presents the couple with a a pair of bracelets, two rings on each of the two bracelets.  One ring made of Icefian steel, the other of Republic steel. 

Markine Tethose and Tobin Rockwell, the duke and mayor of Port Talp head an extensive delegation.   They wish the new couple luck and success.  Tobin talks of the great love of Tfop for Icefia and the well known history of Telfat and Stasis.  The two talk about their hopes for better relations between the city and Icefia.  (They have not been poor, but they have not been great.) They present the couple with a classic gift of Port Talp; the wedding potion collection.  Filled with both legitimate use and comical potions for the couple at all stages of the marriage.  Their contingent includes both of their wives as well as the brother and sister duo of Simone and Anton Kormiere and their spouses.  Simone presents the new queen with a gold and diamond necklace which is beautiful but after further review...ridiculously valuable.  She is as well spoken, although in a different way, as Aianna.  Anton is much less well spoken, although proper.  He talks of the work of marriage, the importance of laying a good foundation and of building upon that the create something that lasts.  He offers to build the couple a home in Port Talp as a vacation spot.  The final two spots of their group are taken by individuals.  A human bard and cleric of Stasis named Beloi.  He tells a tale of deep romance and love that spans from Icefia to Port Talp and involves his ancestors.  It is powerful.  Finally, there is Livianna Rosaul, a northern elf who is centuries old.  She is the epitome of classic elven beauty.  She speaks of beauty and agelessness.  She speaks of her family, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, great great grandchildren, second husband, third husband (after being widowed).  She offers the gifts of a box of perfumes for the queen.  The box is made of glass steel and has the Oldest Orc's symbol on it.

After they finish the Horarians are scheduled to speak but instead you see Martine take the peace knots off his swords and descend a step. Nisoru and Ari escort in a fully armored Amatine gnome. Nisoru says: "Your majesties, may I present the emissary from Amatom, Saritine Kale, champion of Tranict Meo. His lordship will join us for the banquet."  This causes quite a ripple of whispers but the gnome waits for it to pass.  "On behalf of Amatom and our lord Tranict Meo, I extend tidings of good favor and health upon the new king and his wife."  He appears to acknowledge Martine for a moment before withdrawing to a place beside the others.

The Horarians speak next and look flustered for a moment but recover quickly to deliver an energetic and happy speech about the wedding and often mentioning the gift of birth and new life.  Among the contingent from the nation are no males.  There are five clerics of Quan Yin, all of whom fawn over the queen, more or less ignoring Arion except where protocol dictates they must.  They speak loudly of the need for peace and understanding.  They speak of shared wealth, shared responsibility, and the need for a king to rule following the tenants of a good faith, of which they indicate Stasis is acceptable.  They give a variety of infant and fertility gifts.  They offer to return to bless the children.

Simonir of Pacyr delivers one of the finest speeches focused on Stasis and the Kingdom's glorious past and the unity of the nations during the years before the War of Technology.

Habastalai's contingent is the same one cleric they sent for the funeral.  He too offers a straightforward and simple message of hope.  A blessing is made and he withdraws.

In contrast is the Marshall of Iott,  Layla.  She is again not dressed for the weather nor does she adhere to Icefia standards of decorum.  She brings two attendants to the meeting, one to take notes and the other to serve her.  She speaks happily of marriage and the joy it brings.  She is the first to discuss the war's end, speaking approvingly of how it ended.  She also mentions the growing issue in the west, although after revealing some of what is known and asking some questions does not press the point.  She offers aid from Iott if the Icefian wizards need it.

She is the last scheduled speaker but a quartet of singers from Amansky offers a song for the couple.

After the song it Lira that stands and speaks. "My husband and I are so grateful for your presence on our wedding day. This day is a celebration; there will be a time enough for politics, debate and hard decisions. For now join us in the courtyard for the banquet and set worry aside."  Her words are delivered with a queen's authority and no false pretense.

The attendees are ushered out and a receiving line forms at the steps of the palace. Tranict Meo is second in line after Lira's brother, King Alawain.  Tranict is tall for a gnome, and based on historical descriptions, resembles Amat as much as Arian resembles Stasis.  He is dressed in a long black dragon scales cape, but other than that in formal attire not meant for battle.  He is clean shaven, although the leathery skin of the Amatine gnome is not smooth. He greets the royal couple formally for a minute before they continue down the line.

The banquet is more raucous than you you would expect based on your experiences with the formal, city dwelling Icefians. The mix of foreigners and the wilderness Icefians leads to a great deal of dancing and drinking. Arion seems completely at ease with these rougher folk.

Damon spends most of the evening in the company of his fellow knights, of which there are many in attendance, as well as Huthrim and Lyam Arramoor, the son of Graeme, who was duplicated.  Their booming laughs echo off the castle walls throughout the night.

The gnomish nobles and Snella make cautious approaches to the Amatom delegation and appear to make pleasant conversation with them.

The String Mountain Dwarves, both the Iceifans and the emissaries spend most of the night in each other's company and the first awkward moment of the night occurs when the Nomagrok dwarves openly begin taunting them.  Their insults are not returned which only encourages the Sledgehammers. Sir Bartholomew attempts to intervene but is rudely brushed aside by one of the prince's retainers. It seems as if serious trouble will break out until Damon takes two long strides across the courtyard and says to the dwarf : "You are embarrassing your liege and the royal couple. Please be quiet."  The dwarf puts his hands on his hips and puffs out his chest, but as he opens his mouth Grimdrek thumps him on the top of his head, hard enough to buckle his knees and close his jaws with a click.  The rest of the group break into laughter and dump several mugs of ale on his head.

You see the various clergy break into smaller groups, for the most part reflecting the relations among their faiths. Escalon primarily spends the evening with Michael Steelsmyth or Haskra the Reddened, occasionally moving off when a cleric who would be uncomfortable in his company approaches to speak with Michael.

Ari is approached by the knights and many other warriors, all of whom congratulate him on his exploits in the battle. The delegation from Port Talp treats him with respect bordering on reverence and invite him to visit the city at their expense.  For once all of the warriors seem at ease.

Many of the emissaries approach Asinjin, hoping to commission a work of art from him. Some are disappointed to learn you are not a painter but others are happy to speak with you of sculpture. Some of the Yellowian royals are graduates of the Trueheart Academy and enjoy conversing with you as well as the College faculty.  Early in the evening you are approached, not subtly, by Layla. She bluntly asks you if you would be interested in a position at the Academy in Iott. 

Parker and Robyn draw attention from many of the dignitaries, especially the diplomats such as Simonir and Aianna. For reasons not entirely clear to you they seem to think you have the king's ear. Robyn also spends some time speaking with William Summerlight, who once again has donned his Elven illusion. They reminisce about William's father John, long the champion and high mage of the kingdom.

Rubius and Emelda are the only halflings in attendance and they gather considerable attention for that reason alone. You are the only ones the Yellowian contingent goes out of their way to speak with and they invite you to visit their estates if you find yourself in Yellowia.

Consider any conversations you would like to have as opportunities such as this rarely appear.

Offline Asinjin

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Re: A Royal Wedding
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2013, 10:45:11 AM »
For the record, Asinjin is a painter, although he only has a +13 to it.

I have an interesting conversation with Lyla, and months later after I hear of the destruction of the Tower of Time, I give her offer more consideration.
The hand that rolls the Dice rules the world.

Offline Malchia

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Re: A Royal Wedding
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2013, 12:10:26 PM »
Rubius and Emelda are the only halflings in attendance and they gather considerable attention for that reason alone. You are the only ones the Yellowian contingent goes out of their way to speak with and they invite you to visit their estates if you find yourself in Yellowia.

Consider any conversations you would like to have as opportunities such as this rarely appear.
Rubius humbly accepts their invitation and offers to prepare a feast for the Yellowian Royals if they so desire.  He asks permission to exchange recipes with the top Yellowian chefs.     

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Re: A Royal Wedding
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2013, 03:06:40 PM »
Ari remains vigilant during the day's activities, keeping a close eye on the Amatom contingent (particularly any of them who register as evil) and routinely investigating all areas of shadow in the courtyard that are bigger than a chair.

I'll find an opportunity to approach the clerics of Quan Yin and ask them if they know how my mother is doing.

I try to withhold my peronal opinion of my own "exploits" at the battle and instead politely thank anyone who approaches me.

I speak with the delegation from Port Talp inquisitvely about a Tfop dominated city, and promise to visit once my work here in Icefia is completed.

Offline whitesword

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Re: A Royal Wedding
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2013, 09:22:59 PM »
Rubius humbly accepts their invitation and offers to prepare a feast for the Yellowian Royals if they so desire.  He asks permission to exchange recipes with the top Yellowian chefs.   
The Yellowians did bring a chef but he is not at the wedding.  One of the attendees says he will speak with your servants to make the necessary arrangements.

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Re: A Royal Wedding
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2013, 09:34:27 PM »
Ari remains vigilant during the day's activities, keeping a close eye on the Amatom contingent (particularly any of them who register as evil) and routinely investigating all areas of shadow in the courtyard that are bigger than a chair.

I'll find an opportunity to approach the clerics of Quan Yin and ask them if they know how my mother is doing.

I try to withhold my peronal opinion of my own "exploits" at the battle and instead politely thank anyone who approaches me.

I speak with the delegation from Port Talp inquisitvely about a Tfop dominated city, and promise to visit once my work here in Icefia is completed.
There are many shadows and it is impossible to keep track of them all as guests move about.  At one point Escalon sees what you are doing and says "My friend, though we are not in the palace, which is sacred ground, Marius would no more strike here in person than invade the Celstial Mount itself.  We have already intercepted his wedding gift and I think we will not be troubled by him further."

The emissaries from Talp answer all of your questions and are careful not to refer to the pirate threat as Horarian. They clearly hope that the Kingdom will take a position on the issue soon.

The clerics of Quan Yin are formally polite to you but have no information of your mother.

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Re: A Royal Wedding
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2013, 10:48:58 PM »
That does not deter me from continuing to look.

Wedding gift?

Offline whitesword

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Re: A Royal Wedding
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2013, 10:59:33 PM »
That does not deter me from continuing to look.

Wedding gift?
"Yes, an etching on a slab of obsidian. It was concealed with both magical and mundane means amidst the baggage of the Yellowian contingent, but after the event at the College we have been especially diligent. It has been destroyed."

Offline Valdis

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Re: A Royal Wedding
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2013, 10:05:59 AM »
Parker and Robyn draw attention from many of the dignitaries, especially the diplomats such as Simonir and Aianna. For reasons not entirely clear to you they seem to think you have the king's ear. Robyn also spends some time speaking with William Summerlight, who once again has donned his Elven illusion. They reminisce about William's father John, long the champion and high mage of the kingdom.

Parker eloquently hob-nobs with all of the delegations in attendance as he is able.  He does nothing to dissuade the notion that he has the Kings ear, but neither does he confirm it.  If asked about his role in the battle, he plays down his part and plays up the exploits of those like Arion, Nisoru, and Ari who put their lives on the line repeatedly.  He does admit that the combined voices of the singers and the people was powerful and awe inspiring though.  He asks is any of the delegations have Bards with them and asks to speak to them.  If they are not here, he asks if arrangements can be made to speak with them before the delegations leave.

He gauges the mood and intentions of those he speaks to more out of habit than expecting to find any dissident rumblings.  He makes a point to speak to Escalon and Mouser.  He talks to them about the Guardian organization, not about the people, but about the hierarchy/leadership roles, their overall mission/goals, how it is setup, etc...  When he speaks to Layla, he makes sure to grab Robyn and bring her as well, even if she is in the middle of another conversation.

He is friendly and amicable to all who approach.

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Re: A Royal Wedding
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2013, 11:10:01 PM »
Parker eloquently hob-nobs with all of the delegations in attendance as he is able.  He does nothing to dissuade the notion that he has the Kings ear, but neither does he confirm it.  If asked about his role in the battle, he plays down his part and plays up the exploits of those like Arion, Nisoru, and Ari who put their lives on the line repeatedly.  He does admit that the combined voices of the singers and the people was powerful and awe inspiring though.  He asks is any of the delegations have Bards with them and asks to speak to them.  If they are not here, he asks if arrangements can be made to speak with them before the delegations leave.

He gauges the mood and intentions of those he speaks to more out of habit than expecting to find any dissident rumblings.  He makes a point to speak to Escalon and Mouser.  He talks to them about the Guardian organization, not about the people, but about the hierarchy/leadership roles, their overall mission/goals, how it is setup, etc...  When he speaks to Layla, he makes sure to grab Robyn and bring her as well, even if she is in the middle of another conversation.

He is friendly and amicable to all who approach.

All of the delegations except the Horarians have a bard in their ranks and unless you make an effort to correct them most assume you are one as well. The primary political questions appear to be : Will Arion attempt to renew the old alliance with the Republic and Yellowia, will he allow the admirals to take the fleet into battle against the pirates, will the Kingdom impose martial law on the Scaled nation, who will fill the empty minister positions, and how is his relationship with his wife's family?

Interestingly the Yellowians have no interest in discussing any of these topics and only engage you on very superficial topics.

Mouser is no where to be found at the banquet. Escalon is happy to speak with you but his close proximity to you makes you uncomfortable. It inspires a feeling of guilt.

Robyn is dressed far more formally for this event. She clearly has little interest in Layla and you get the feeling she makes Layla uncomfortable.  Layla's interest in you is clearly political.