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Messages - whitesword

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Constables of Icefia / Life and Crimes in the City
« on: August 24, 2011, 10:26:41 PM »
Within weeks of the legions moving west all of the cities saw an increase in crime.  Unaccompanied women reported being strong armed, dock workers beat up those that dared to unload a ship that would not negotiate with the unions and burglaries simply exploded.  The common people blame immigrants and ship jumpers for most of the problems, and in truth many of those caught are foreigners or barbarians who have come for work.

Still, the common people of the Kingdom seem more on edge, fights have become more common and more violent.  In the summer of 784 the murder rate reached the highest in memory.  Many feel that the oppressive heat, also the worst in memory, even Ice Gnome memory, contributes.  The Tamin River overflowed its banks twice as the heat melted the ice in the north to levels not seen in centuries, perhaps ever. 

Constables are hard pressed to keep up.  Many volunteered and were given leave to join the fight, though the war is not as popular this time around.  Many who would not otherwise be accepted as constables for one reason or another are given their badge but the ranks are still thin.  Most work an extra shift or part of a shift every day leading to frayed nerves and complaints from the subjects.  The leadership is reluctant to discipline too harshly as they cannot spare the men.

Constables of Icefia / Re: The War
« on: August 24, 2011, 10:13:36 PM »
If by recruiters you mean for the military there are some but they are not very aggressive.   The Brotherhood of the Unbroken Sword on the other hand is very aggressive and constables are constantly being asked to remove them from bars and meeting halls but for everyone who wants them removed there is another appalled that anyone would disrespect a veteran.

Constables of Icefia / Re: The War
« on: August 24, 2011, 10:09:46 PM »
At first there did not seem to be a war going on at all.  Little changed right away but after a few weeks the absence of the legions garrisoned near the cities became more noticeable.  Fewer men were seen on the streets, women had more money to spend but less food was available in the markets and there was less need for laborers and craftsmen as the women made due with what they had, reluctant to make major decisions without their husbands.  Many young men volunteered and craftsmen followed the legions knowing their services would be needed.

The High King gathered six Othueyn, Warhosts or Legions in the Common Tongue, into three armies, Eynaeclos  in the language of the Court, the largest formations seen since the end of the War of Technology and marched west.  For weeks there was no news but on the day before the Day of Magic the elves attacked the northern army and were repulsed.  As winter comes harder and faster in the north and west after that engagement the armies were forced to encamp.

This is all that has occurred in the war as we begin. However, in the Kingdom's cities a different war has also begun.

Constables of Icefia / Re: The War
« on: August 24, 2011, 09:41:57 PM »
Glad you asked.  There are no "news papers" but news generally is distributed in two ways.  First, "callers" roam the streets moving in prescribed patterns announcing major events.  If one wants to know details you simply pay them a few coin.  Since the start of the war they have been busy.

Second every few blocks there are large wood blocks, about 6' high and 3' square.  Fliers with announcements such as temple events, marriages, births and other personal news is posted and remains for the day.  Most individuals only post in their area.  The more important event  the wider it will be posted.  Anyone can post anything not blasphemous, criminal, obscene, threatening or treasonous.  Wanted posters are commonly displayed on these blocks as well.

Now back to our regularly scheduled war.

Constables of Icefia / The War
« on: August 22, 2011, 10:56:55 PM »
In early 784, no one is exactly sure of the date, the long expected war between the Kingdom of Icefia and the nation of the Scaled Elves began anew.  No one truly considers it a new war; the parties are the same as the Wyvern Crusade, not ten years in the past.  Even the leaders of both nations remain unchanged.

The Kingdom had been speaking of the Scaled Elves as renegades for generations.  Their nation had never been officially recognized by the Kingdom and the border was only clear where a river or glacier made determination easy.  This rejoined conflict would have seemed a desire of only the Kingdom except for the events of 783.

In late 783, from the far northwest, that poorly defined no mans land, a place in truth neither side had ever seemed to care about, word came of a rich seam of ore and precious stones.  A call for volunteers to defend the find and claim it for the kingdom was answered by hundreds of mercenaries and adventurers.  By the end of 783 a fortress encampment of more than 5000 was established in the mountains.  Even in the unbearably cold Icefian winter stones began to make their way out on sledges.  Barbarians and Chosen attacked the caravans but as the winter subsided the defenders found themselves coming into contact with Scaled Elven patrols on a regular basis.  They appealed to the Crown for aid and it was given.

The Army began to increase its presence in the west, adding elite units from the Guardian and Diamond Brigades to the border regions.  It was only a matter of time before an incident.  In Smofena an entire Eynamaga failed to report as scheduled.  Two days later all fifty men and women were found dead near their positions.  Most shot with arrows, some cut down by swords and a few torn apart by wyvern jaws.  The following day the High King summoned the lesser monarchs and declared war against the Scaled Elves.

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