Falan / Pacyr Campaign > Rise of the Undead Deity

Rolling In the Dust of the Undead

(1/5) > >>

Experience is a lot to calculate, but coming soon.

The date of the battle is the morning of the 30th day of the 12th month of 789.

The remaining hulks do not flee, but it is all of your turns (except Harrick) before they act.  You manage to defeat them before exiting.

Marcus reports an hour or so later that the other are still moving, but their order is broken and they are not longer putting the city in danger from collapse.


Ari: 14,480
Solaris and Ajax: 15,300 each
Harrick and Marston: 18,900 each
Saren: 19,100

That puts Ari at 23rd level by 510 xp. Epic prestige class, here I come!


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