Seas of Habololy > First Voyage of the Guardian of the Tide

Avoiding a Watery Death

(1/4) > >>

To start, experience:

Kasai - for surviving - 750xp

Chase - for playing the role of unseen healer - 2000xp

Sas - for playing hide and seek on the ethereal plane - 1600xp

Rin - for flaming sword and flaming self - 1450xp

Nathan - for bearly surviving the assassination - 2000xp

It is the 7th day of the 10th month of 788.

Once she is confident everyone is okay and the threat is gone, Beverly asks, "What happened?"

By this time, constables have arrived and marked off the area as large groups have gathered.  They allow Beverly to talk to you without interruption.

“The building issssss on fire.”


--- Quote from: Hero on February 16, 2018, 06:36:12 AM ---“The building issssss on fire.”

--- End quote ---

Fire brigades are quick to take care of that.  It does raise questions about how water elementals started a fire.


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