String Mountain Campaign > The Gree Unwanted

Finding your way

(1/2) > >>

 As you leave the scene of your breakin, you hear winged Gree passing over you.  Not directly, but the whosh of air is close.

750 exp each! 

+500 if you've done your questionnaire!

I didn't write them down, cause I suck. Can everyone list their characters names! ( and spellun )

Razilav Demeritan

Level gained - check
Rank in Barrister - check

Saewurg Weaselby (yes, it's Gruweas spelled backwards).  Pronounced "say-wurg / weasel-bee")

Our law firm is Weaselby and Weaselby.

I too gained a level.

Adeladisa (she hasn't provided a last name yet)

She gained a level

Ilya Novosti

Because I didn't completely describe him last session: Ilya is tall and thick for a Gree, standing ~5.5 ft tall and clearly muscular. His fur is mostly dark brown, with the exception of a patch of white fur on his neck and upper chest that gives him the appearance of sporting a full beard.

I clearly need to complete my questionnaire since it appears I am the only one who is still at 1st level.


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