Seas of Habololy > Setting Sail Again

Claude Attractith and Claude Slayith

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master po:
As the ship sails along into an approaching storm those watching Claude see a noticeable change in his demeanor.  He is holding the pommel of the Greymander and starts barking orders for the ship to prepare for battle.  Understandably some of the crew is hesitant to follow his orders.  He is yelling for Valdis and archers and anyone else he can think of.  This draws the attention of the Captain.  Claude then tries to explain what is about to happen with little success.  Once Valdis arrives Claude reminds him of Greymander Island,  which was really just a turtle, and announces that it is probably a Blue that they are about to face.  Valdis is finally able to convince the Captain to prepare and sends most of the crew below deck.

Claude tells all to stay near the flag and cast a couple of spells.  After a few tense minutes not one but two smaller creatures come streaking out of the sky in a beautiful spiral towards the ship.  The gun crews hold and Claude prepares for battle.  Chase begins loudly explaining to the oncoming creatures the folly of their actions.  One seems to have second thoughts as the other crashes into the deck of the ship and is promptly cut down and beheaded by Claude.  Chase renews his chanting but with an even more mocking tone now that all the terrible things he said was going to happen have actually happened.  The second creature seems to have no interest in pursuing the first onto the ship.

Almost simultaneously Tsu bursts from the water and tells Rin of trouble below.  As Rin and others look over the side they fall back with no interest in dealing with what is coming out of the water.  An enormous creature rises out of the water flies up level with the deck of the ship.  It immediately assaults Claude with claws and lighting but to no avail.  There is a vicious back and forth between Claude and the giant blue.  The gun crew scores a devastating hit to beasts head.  Finally the creature retreats to the safety of the water below.  Claude charges into the water and scores another well placed blow.  The creature bursts from the water and flees for good this time.  Amazingly Rin fires an arrow from a distance well beyond the normal range and hits.  The creature dips down nearly crashing into the water but somehow manages to keep flying.  It is a great victory but Claude can only feel disappointed knowing they were so close to defeating this great creature once and for all.  Oh well.  Whats one more out there with a personal vendetta against him anyway.

The crew is happy to help dismantle the smaller creature in hopes to sell the valuable parts when they return to Port Talp.  Now that the Captain is fully aware of the dangers that Claude eluded to earlier in the voyage he decides to tell a story.  The night after the battle Claude throws a hand full of dust into one the fires burning on deck.  Unlike anything anyone has ever seen before a giant image appears portraying all of Claude's thoughts on a giant screen.  He tells the crew of his most recent adventures in the Great Forest and continues for about two hours telling stories of as many of his adventures that pop into his head.

The crew, which after the draconic battle is inspired by Claude; later becomes in awe of him after his presentation.  Many believe he has powers beyond normal magic.  Everyone wants to help him out and be on his shift.

Also noteworthy is a change in attendance at the daily services.

Each shift holds a service, lead by a different cleric.  Prelate Lander has one in Habastly's name; Rin in the name of Treetop; and Claude in the name of Tfop.  The services are not formal, with Lander's being the most structured.  Being on a ship and dealing with deity's of non structured religions, they are loose services that involve discussions and prayers for at most fifteen minutes.  As best you can tell, everyone attends one of the services, with Habastly being the default for many (note that this is the case around the world in general).

After Claude's actions and the battle, the attendance at his service (which probably involves a quick prayer and an alchemical demonstration) increases.  Whereas you would average ten crew members, afterwards you have nearly thirty.  Your actions are seemed as almost a miracle.  Already in attendance regularly were: Doctor Garet, Thermon, Master Mariner Isywari, Cook Paulo, Steward Theo, Carpenter Kyleand some of the seamen.  After the battle, Ship Mage Eric, Midshipman Kel, Master Mariner Francis, Helmsman Cheenan, Seaman Midiyro and a number of other seaman join the service.

For Rin, you get the Masters of the Forecastle and Tops Parker and Antwan, Doctor's Mate Len, Seaman Nassisik, One Armed Seaman Felji, and a number of other seaman.

The rest go to Prelate Lander's service.  That includes the captain.

Along those lines, I assume but can be corrected:

Chase goes to Tfop
Falcon goes to Treetop
Gabriel to Tfop
Veronica to Tfop
Valdis to Habastly

You also take note that the two gree and the halfling all go to Habastly's service.


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