House Rules > Sleep

Effects of Lack of Sleep


With no rules for this that I was able to find, here is what I have developed:

A character that falls behind on his sleep is fatigued.  Falling behind on sleep means that the character has gotten fewer than 8 minus con modifier (to a minimum of 1) hours of sleep.  This does not reset until the character gets a full night's sleep, and so it can accumulate over several nights.

A character falls a full eight hours behind his needed amount becomes exhausted.

A character that falls behind 16 hours becomes staggered as well.

A character that falls behind 24 hours becomes sickened as well.

A character that falls behind 32 hours becomes dazed as well.

A character that falls behind 40 hours is helpless.

The Endurance feat adds 4 to a character's Constitution for purposes of sleep.

So, does that mean those with high CON modifiers don't require a full 8 hours?  For example, if someone has an 18 CON, do they only require 4 hours of sleep?  If not, then how do they accumulate fatigue points?


--- Quote from: Malchia on June 25, 2015, 12:58:30 PM ---So, does that mean those with high CON modifiers don't require a full 8 hours?  For example, if someone has an 18 CON, do they only require 4 hours of sleep?  If not, then how do they accumulate fatigue points?

--- End quote ---

No, they still require the full sleep to regain spells, abilities, etc.  However, they won't gain a penalty by not sleeping.

I don't expect this to come into play often, nor will I be keeping track regularly.


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