Astilan in 5th Edition > Backgrounds

Discussion of Backgrounds

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There are maybe ten listed in the players' handbook.  I believe I am going to allow, but since the backgrounds are heavy into story line, there are many combinations that won't make sense for a particular race or class.

If you have an idea for a background feel free to post the idea and we can flush it out.

How about a "Treasure Hunter" background?

You can detail it out and probably use that.  I will be lenient for the playtest with creating new ones; just follow the format from the PHB.

It wasn't for the play test; I'm going to use the printed material for that.  I just thought it might be a useful background.  I'll work on fleshing something out and post it when complete.  Then again, it's not that important to have new backgrounds.  Like anything in D&D, you can always improvise and create your own back story based on what's already in the book.   

I am still developing a theory on backgrounds for 5th edition and my campaigns.  I haven't settled on one yet.  What I mean by that is where the limitations are on them, how many there will be, how generic or specific are they going to be, etc.

I am concentrating now on the adventure more than the classes / backgrounds / races, since the ones we are going to use are settled for the playtest.


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