Icefian Campaign > Constables of Icefia

Persons of Interest and Interesting Persons

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For your own benefit and for those confined to desk duty a recap would be advisable

Do we have to make a report to someone higher up every week, or month; on our progress?

I have written up a review of the last session on the campaign logs on the website.


--- Quote from: Asinjin on October 12, 2011, 12:25:27 PM ---Do we have to make a report to someone higher up every week, or month; on our progress?

--- End quote ---
Sgt. Windbourne replies: When I spoke to the acting First Deputy he only wanted to know when we had an actual lead or confirmation of Falce's death.  We have neither so nothing to report.

I would say cricket cricket but its too cold in Phiam for them right now . . .


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