Icefian Campaign > Reluctant Heroes

Just one last thing . . .

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Good timing to have two weeks off as there’s much to be done.

What do you do to assist in the imminent clash of armies?
What efforts do you make to rescue/retrieve those pulled into the astral vortex?

And after that what’s next?

Kerkly is still in the interplanar telepathic bond, so he relays that he is relatively safe in the outlands and he can make his way back.  He relays that he doesn't know where the others went.

Asinjin and Benlin will continue their efforts to defeat the barbarian horde.

So I am clear, you said there were more holes in the anti magic in the barbarian horde than the wugs?

There are also clearly leaders in that group, the hunters in the middle?

Solaris Tries to rally the troops in all the chaos.  He cast divine insight on himself and ask a bard to cast the spell that projects his voice. Hopefully there is a least 1 bard in the area that can cast that spell.  If that spell is the cast he makes a diplomacy check to make the people fanatical see below.  My check with the current spells on me is a +49 (Eagles Splendor, Divine insight and good hope, is there anything I am missing). 

Friendly DC 60   
Helpful DC 50

This means I automatically make anyone that is already helpful into a fanatic and 50/50 shot of making anyone friendly or higher into a fanatic follower.  Let me know if I missed any other bonuses that add to skill check.  Whitesword feel free to roll my check for others.

The attitude of fanatic is added here. In addition to the obvious effects, any NPC whose attitude is fanatic gains a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution scores, a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, and a -1 penalty to AC whenever fighting for the character or his or her cause. This attitude will remain for one day plus one day per point of the character’s Charisma bonus, at which point the NPC’s attitude will revert to its original attitude (or indifferent, if no attitude is specified). 

Just a note that the Ecstasy spell I cast causes a -4 penalty to all skill checks.  Also remember spellcasting while influenced requires a DC 15 Concentration check.


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