Habololy Books > Guide to Rangers

Favored Enemy List - Giants

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So, what's your thoughts on making Trolls and Jungle Giants another category?  Should we do that or just add them into something else on your list.  I think it's shaping up nicely at this point.  Should be able to have this resolved before game time on Thursday night.

- Ogre-kin (all types of Ogres and Ettin)
- Fey touched Giants (Voadkyn, Fomorian, Firbolg, Spriggan, Dusk Giants)
- Earth and Fire Giants (Fire, Hill, Stone, Desert)
- Water and Air Giants (Storm, Cloud, Fog, Sea Giant [if any still exist])
- Frost Giants (there are more of them than most of the rest combined)

I am thinking trolls will be moved to aberrations or magical beasts.  Jungle Giants will have to join one of those groups.


--- Quote from: Asinjin on December 13, 2016, 02:30:56 PM ---I am thinking trolls will be moved to aberrations or magical beasts.  Jungle Giants will have to join one of those groups.

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So, I guess either Ogre-kin or the Earth and Fire group.  Thoughts?   


--- Quote from: Asinjin on December 12, 2016, 09:53:04 AM ---The amount it underpowers it is small.  Depending on the enemies you take, it is exactly the same.  Any race, any outsider, construct, animal, and about half of the categories are the same as WotC.

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Given how powerful many of the Habololy prestige classes are I think it just balances the ranger and gives them a little more character.  Rangers should be intimately familiar with their home turf and it's native beasts etc. If anything the categories are overbroad.

If I were doing this from scratch I'd give rangers a list based on where they trained (not type grous) and only allow them to go to another list at higher level.


--- Quote from: Asinjin on December 12, 2016, 09:58:20 AM ---How about his for giants:

- Ogre-kin (all types of Ogres and Ettin)
- Fey touched Giants (Voadkyn, Fomorian, Firbolg, Spriggan)
- Earth and Fire Giants (Fire, Hill, Stone, Desert)
- Water and Air Giants (Storm, Cloud, Fog, Sea Giant [if any still exist])
- Frost Giants (there are more of them than most of the rest combined)

That leaves Jungle giants

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I like this list and would move trolls to aberrations.


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