Falan / Pacyr Campaign > The Rescue of Emmerick

A Falanic cause

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A further description of Emitx.

He is tall for an elf, nearly six foot.  His hair is mid tone grey and is short and thick.  His eyes are yellow green.  His face round with a pointed chin.  He is typically elven in his lean build.  From what you have seen and gather, he is quite nimble.  He walks from the balls to heels of his feet.  Since you are watching closely, you notice a few teeth, not the ones in front, are missing.  He has a tendency to smile and laugh, so it is not difficult to see.

His hooded cloak is dark brown, well made and large.  It goes down to nearly his ankles and can wrap around him more than once.  You have seen that is has many pockets, hidden and not.  He has the mentioned swords and daggers, or good quality.  He has black gloves, made for comfort not work.  His boots also look more comfortable that work boots would.

He is willing to talk with anyone that goes in the wagon.

The inn and tavern you are at is called the 5th and Smofarf Street Inn and Tavern.  It has twelve rooms, which appear to have been taken mostly up by your group and the dwarves Bandrig sits with at the table.  It is an average inn for cleanliness and appearance.  The bartender and waitress are both human, both older than middle ages.

The dwarves, of which there are 6, are all seated and do not stand to greet you.  There is room for Bandrig and one other at their table.  They are dressed in the garb of merchants.  Only one has the appearance, by robes, stance and way of speaking that leads you to believe he is a spellcaster.  Several have the symbol of Smofarf on themselves.  These symbols are not prominent, but the can be seen upon scrutiny.

Atermus has 5 ranks in merchant if you use him for any of your rolls.  d20=16

One dwarf speaks first, directing his conversation towards Bandrig, "I'm Hort," and then motioning clockwise around the table, "Grormot, Fordor, Jollum, Krepmer, and Hof."

"Those your wagons in the house?"



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