Astilan in 5th Edition > Races



This race is new.  They are reptilian dinosaur race in the mold of the Saurials, but not the same look.

•   Tyrogs are medium-sized
•   Tyrogs have a base speed of 40ft.
•   Tyrogs have darkvision up to 60ft
•   Tyrogs have proficiency in Atheletics
•   Tyrogs have advantage on all Perception checks that involve smell.
•   Tyrogs have disadvantage with all checks involving riding another animal
•   Tyrogs may make a bite attack for 1d4 piercing damage.
•   Tyrogs may not be wizards.
•   Tyrogs receive a +2 bonus to Strength and a +1 bonus to Constitution and a –1 penalty to Intelligence.

•   Tyrogs speak their own language and one of the following: Common, Dwarven, and Avaren.


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