Astilan in 5th Edition > Classes



The new bard is a good class.  The changes we are going to make are not to the basic class but rather to the colleges.  We are going to replace the college choices with bardic types as we use currently.

So ideas for Comedic, Documentary, Dramatic, Horrifying, and Romantic are appreciated.  If there is another you think is better, or one you think should be removed; let me know.

I'm not sure how they would work exactly, but is there any room for heroic and villainous bards as new types or would that just be redundant based on what people can do with the existing types?   

I think you could make most of the styles into either heroic or villainous.

Wizards has helped us out by just releasing some new options for several classes based on 2nd edition kits.  One for the bard will be used for our Comedic bard.  They call it the College of Satire.


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