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Messages - Zunder

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Out Into the World / Re: Behold the Lavender or Purple Horse
« on: February 06, 2024, 10:58:34 PM »
Staying at arms length (yours not his), a halfings with a mop of brown hair on his head and feet with a leather aprons stained with beer and pies walks over.

"Do you have coin to pay for drinks and food?" he asks in common.

She smiles down at the halfling - " I do, but i am not rich, how much for a whole pie?  a large beer, and maybe some meat?  Like a farmers sausage? " her stomach grumbles " maybe 3 "

Out Into the World / Re: Behold the Lavender or Purple Horse
« on: February 05, 2024, 11:29:57 AM »
No one is yet that drunk, so no one steps forward.  You find a table and sit on the floor as the seats won't accommodate you.  A halfling does run over after a minute with a floor mat so you don't have to sit on the ground.

She sits on her knees, feet tucked under her rear, in proper Horarian etiquette.  She looks around, and tries to flag down someone to order some pies..  and drinks..

Out Into the World / Re: Behold the Lavender or Purple Horse
« on: February 03, 2024, 07:37:07 AM »
Nothing immediate and obvious as you move into the room.  You get a lot of stares and everything quiets for a minute.

As the room quiets she smiles a and spread her Joel Embiid like wingspan.  " Hello friends, I'm Grandmother Akrah the Burgundy, Paladin of Quan Yin, Nice to meet all of you.  I've been told i give amazing  life changing hugs,  if anyone needs one,  let me know"     she then tries to find and open table, unless anyone stops her for a hug

Out Into the World / Re: Behold the Lavender or Purple Horse
« on: February 01, 2024, 01:27:03 PM »
The halfling responds, "not me binnis to tell ye the ownr, but if ye hed in, ye can ask around"

Nods.. seeming to accept that answer as fair " well, Thank you kind halfling " she bows with her face up.. Haarl trained her never to loose site of someone so close.  She stands up, pivots on her oversized paw, and heads into the establishment.  If the ceiling is too low for her 6'8" frame .. she'll hobble around bent over, with her hands on her knees.  She takes in the scene

She keeps an eye out for purple. No one would go to that extreme, without matching she pictures the purple horse with a matching rider on its back.  Heard rumors that bards or so garish, or at least the bards Haarl ordered to sing were 

Out Into the World / Re: Behold the Lavender or Purple Horse
« on: February 01, 2024, 08:55:59 AM »
Taye sends a mental link to Akra and tells her that Yoshi asked us not to engage about the horse yet because he is not sure if he is being warned of a curse or if it is a blessing.

Shakes her large head.. " weird.. " she looks around for Taye, not seeing him, wondering where the words came from, but she comments " Yoshi is Cautious, and His deity doesn't get involved. Clearly something dangerous wouldn't be in a stall in a Inn around all these normal beings"

She asks the halfling. " Could you please tell me who the owner is, I would love to compliment them, or it is its own owner, a talking horse?" but she does sense if the horse is evil, just in case.  And then waves hi to the horse.
( clearly a symbol of Quan Yin on her unkempt robes )

Out Into the World / Re: Behold the Lavender or Purple Horse
« on: January 31, 2024, 10:34:53 PM »
It is a deep purple, not a bright or coloring purple.  Its hair is black and is hooves are also black.

I take a look at the closest halfling which appears to be dressed like they might work there " Excuse me but is that a purple horse? "

Out Into the World / Re: Behold the Lavender or Purple Horse
« on: January 31, 2024, 08:13:00 AM »
Clearly Quan Yin directed me to protect Tay and stay with her here to see the Purple Pony.

Out Into the World / Re: Sense Motive On Everyone!
« on: January 19, 2024, 09:16:24 PM »

Akrah gives him 5 feet of space,  then I keep the space consistent,  matching his movement.   I ping him,  checking if he's evil

Out Into the World / Re: Sense Motive On Everyone!
« on: January 18, 2024, 11:14:58 PM »
gently puts the orc down. 
" I might look old, but I move pretty well if you decide to run again "

Out Into the World / Re: Sense Motive On Everyone!
« on: January 18, 2024, 12:19:43 AM »
shrugs.. " I can let him go" 

Out Into the World / Re: Sense Motive On Everyone!
« on: January 17, 2024, 07:22:09 AM »
Why were you following us?   Akrah gives him a little squeeze

Reluctant Heroes / Re: In Prison . . . You’ll be in Good Company?
« on: January 12, 2024, 05:57:39 PM »
Shaar is happy to talk to anyone,  but especially Avoreen, as our ideals seem similar.   She spars , and practices.   Wondering after some days if she feels hungry yet,  or the half elf looks older yet.

She would like to unfreeze Lord Arishimoto, maybe she could defeat him in a match.

Out Into the World / Re: To Lynkeed
« on: January 03, 2024, 12:08:08 PM »
Just to be clear - we have no arcane users in the group.  To go along with the bad vision

Out Into the World / Re: The Group That's Ending
« on: December 28, 2023, 09:49:32 PM »
Breach can’t ignore the growing cultist threat. He will look to recruit a new team to combat the infestation. He prays for guidance from Dedestroyt on where to start looking.

Might he need a Barbarian Taffer to help destroy the infestation!

Out Into the World / Re: The Group That's Ending
« on: December 27, 2023, 06:55:40 PM »
Chasker decides this is his chance for a walk about.    So he starts walking.   He asks for some travel supplies instead of travel.  He's going to explore the main continent

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